Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencement

Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencement
Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencement

Faithful Catholics gathered in front of New Orleans’ Superdome on May 12 in protest and reparation for the choice of pro-homosexual Jesuit Fr. James Martin as the commencement speaker for Loyola University’s graduation ceremony.

Announced only weeks before graduation, Loyola University was low-key as to the identity of the speaker. After announcing their decision, many Catholics became indignant that a Catholic institution like Loyola University would permit such a controversial speaker to give the address.

Father Martin is known for his advocacy of pro-homosexual positions through his book, Building a Bridge. He dedicates much of his time to spreading such ideas nationwide. He even recently attended the 2018 Met Gala at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, which launched their new exhibition Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination. This exhibit contains many immoral, blasphemous, and sacrilegious articles of fashion mixed with centuries-old sacred objects and vestments from the Vatican.

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“Wow! All These People Showed Up!”

One Catholic protester admitted that at first he only saw a handful of people and thought not many would end up coming. Then, he turned around and saw a crowd of TFP volunteers wearing their red capes with banners, signs and rosaries in hand ready for the spiritual battle to take place.

He exclaimed, “At first I wasn’t sure there would be many people. But wow! All these people showed up!”

Loyola Graduate: “We Don’t Want That Priest at Our School!”

As the rosary of reparation commenced, the graduates began to arrive. News of the protest spread like wildfire among the students and attendees. There were mixed reactions. Some shook their heads, others gestured obscenely and cursed.

Thankfully, there were quite a few sympathetic to the campaign and gave a thumbs up. Some graduates even came up to find out what was going on. When they heard that the controversial Fr. James Martin was slated to give their commencement speech, two of the graduates in gowns said, “What? We don’t want that priest at our school!”

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Another graduate thanked the protesters commenting that many of the graduates didn’t even know who Father Martin was and what he stood for.

Another Loyola Graduate: “There Is No God Y’all. Come On.”

Eyeing from a distance with some disgust, three other graduates decided they would engage in a debate with the protesters. The discourse went as follows:

Loyola Graduate: We should love everyone no matter who they are, no matter what they do, and this is so disappointing.

TFP Member: We have to love God first.

Loyola Graduate: No. There is no God y’all. Come on.

It is appalling to see a graduate from a Catholic university affirm that God does not exist. Thankfully, there were Loyola alumni faithful to Catholic teachings present at the protest, praying the rosary and engaging in discussions with students.

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Catholic Institution vs. Jesuit Institution

However, the debate was not over. The TFP member affirmed why the whole situation was so disappointing.

TFP Member: This is very disappointing because this is a Catholic institution.

Loyola Graduate: It’s actually a Jesuit institution. “With and for others.” That means with and for others no matter who they are.

TFP Member: Last time I checked, the Jesuits were Catholic.

Loyola Graduate: They are, but you didn’t listen to what I said. Jesuit values: With and for others.

The graduate ended by affirming, “I’m graduating and I cannot wait so see this man speak.”Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencement

Father Martin’s Double Standard

Fr. James Martin Refers to Catholics Praying Outside of Superdome as Homophobic Protesters

The next day after the rosary of reparation, Fr. James Martin took to Twitter. He tweeted, “I wasn’t surprised to see a group of homophobic protesters outside the Superdome yesterday before @Loyola_NOLA’s Commencement. What surprised and moved me was that hearing that many Loyola students told the protesters how much they loved and supported their LGBT classmates.”

He continued, “Jesuit education forms young people who stand up for those on the margins or who are persecuted in any way.”

Finally, he finished with, “So thanks to those Loyola graduates who, just minutes before graduating, did one final act of social justice as students. I’m even prouder to be a part of the Loyola.”1

Jesuits Ought to Imitate the Purity of the Angels

Saint Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus, whose members are called Jesuits, states in the Constitutions which he wrote for the order, “Jesuits ought to imitate the purity of the angels.”Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin Speaking at Loyola Commencement

By the grace of God and through the intercession of Saint Ignatius, the fight against error and heresy must continue. Public reparation and protest must be made anytime error and immorality appear. Father Martin should not speak at Catholic events until he recants his errors and abandons harmful ideas. Until then, faithful Catholics will continue to protest and console Our Lord Who is offended by such events.





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