Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important


Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important
Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important

2017 marks the hundredth anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima from May 13th until October 13, 1917.

Is this an important anniversary, and if so, why?

Centennials are very important anniversaries. Churches, nations, organizations, individuals, all celebrate hundredth anniversaries with great importance. Medals are struck and ceremonies are performed to commemorate 100th anniversaries. Centennials rarely go unnoticed.

2017 is the hundredth anniversary of Fatima. What kind of importance should we give to that series of events marked by six monthly apparitions of Our Lady?

Click on the Images Below to Read About Each Apparition

The apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima are considered some of the most important events of the 20th century. Why? Because Our Lady appeared in visible form to Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Saint Jacinta Marto, and Saint Francisco Marto, on not just one occasion, but on six separate occasions.

The message of Our Lady was for the entire world. Her message was not limited to a person, city, region, country, or even a continent.

The essence of the message of Our Lady is that Jesus is greatly offended by the sins of mankind. Our Lady asked for prayers, particularly the Most Holy Rosary, as well as acts of penance for the conversion of sinners.

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Imagine the kinds of sins committed in 1917. Sin has always existed; however in 1917 the allurements of sin were much less than in our own time. Other than private sins, one had to go to some effort to commit mortal sins in 1917. Today, all one has to do is go out in public, turn on the radio, or the television to be faced with matter that is mortally sinful. And these temptations take place 24/7 and in almost all places.

This bears directly as to why the hundredth anniversary of Fatima is so extremely important. Proportionally, there is no remote comparison between society in 1917 compared to society today.

The commemoration of other centennials usually has little direct bearing on the present or the future. Not so with Fatima. As the years pass, the Fatima message becomes more urgent and timelier than ever. The neglect of adhering to the Fatima message attracts increasingly dire consequences and events.

On July 13th at Fatima Our Lady foretold, “the war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.”

How the Angel of Portugal Prepared the Three Children for Our Lady’s Apparitions at Fatima

Mankind ignoring Our Lady’s request that mankind stop offending God, was punished with World War II. Over 60 million lost their lives: soldiers as well as civilians. Not only that, but as Saint Jacinta Marto stated, “about the war that is going to come, so many will die and almost all of them will go to hell.” Had mankind only heeded Our Lady’s request for repentance World War II was preventable.

Not only could we compare the time of World War I to today, we can also compare the world of World War II to today. What kind of punishment do we merit?

Yet, Our Lady is the Mother of Mercy. If mankind heeds Our Lady’s message many souls can be saved.

Our Lady of Fatima asked for penance. But where is that penance? It is safe to say that sufficient penance has not been offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Lady’s mercy is dependent upon our adhering to her Fatima message.

Today, with so much sin committed in public, our penance, reparation and prayer for the conversion of sinners must also be public.

Was there not prayer and reparation in past decades? Certainly there was, but not sufficiently. It is up to us, who live today in 2017 and beyond, to fulfill Our Lady’s Fatima message.

This hundredth anniversary is the perfect opportunity. This anniversary should be very important to us. Imagine how important it is to Our Lady! She surveys the world to see if her sons and daughters in the Church have increased their love for her, demonstrated by our private and, more importantly, by our public acts of prayer, penance and reparation.

If you believe the hundredth anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions is not only important to commemorate, but that it is essential, resolve to do an extraordinary public act of recognition of Our Lady’s anniversary.

Hold a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 14, 2017 Make sure that everyone who passes by your location knows about the hundredth anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima. It could save their soul by calling upon them Our Lady’s graces of repentance and mercy which should be in abundance during this hundredth anniversary.

The proper commemoration of Our Lady’s hundredth anniversary, as well as the eternal destiny of millions depends upon us!


The Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima

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