Lucifer Loses in Spring Texas

Lucifer Loses in Spring TexasThe growing satanic activity in the United States is a terrifying reality. Public blasphemies, sacrilegious desecrations and black masses have been promoted by Satanists throughout the country and now the Satanic Temple has opened its first “After School Satan Club” in Oregon.

As seen throughout history however, God often overcomes His enemies when they least expect it. One such event took place this year in Spring, Texas.

It started last year, when a band of 120 peaceful protesters raised their voices against the opening of the “Greater Church of Lucifer.” While the Luciferians were beginning their first meeting, Catholics outside prayed to God for the end of satanic influences in America. Accompanying the crowd was the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, who carried a statue of Our Lady of Fatima to counter the devil’s influences.

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To the eyes of the worldly and the Satanists, this gathering of prayer warriors was of little importance: the gathering is nothing more than “superstition.” To the Luciferians, Christianity is doomed to fail in a battle of “survival of the fittest.” They figured that the prayers were a useless waste of time and effort.

But God proved the foolishness of His adversaries.

Less than a year later, history took a very ironic turn for the Luciferians. The Luciferian Facebook page has been stagnant for months; and the sign outside of the building was taken down. Now, a little more than a year after opening, the “Greater Church of Lucifer” has ceased operation!

God is the author of this victory. There can be no question about that.

However, we must remember that God will only grant success to His Cause so long as He finds faithful soldiers that are willing to march into the fray and face unpopularity and jeers for His sake.

Why We Must Oppose the Satanic Offensive in America

Therefore, as we continue to face the threat of demonic activity in our country, we must place our trust in God and face his enemies with action and prayer. Only then will we see the triumph of Christ in our country.