New Adoration Booklet

New Adoration BookletAmid our hectic busy world, the adoration chapel is like an oasis of peace where faithful Catholics can have recourse to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. To help those who want to share in Christ’s Passion, the America Needs Fatima Campaign recently launched a major effort to distribute 90,000 copies of a special new adoration booklet “Be Still and Know That I Am God.”

The project began with a mid–March distribution of tens of thousands of adoration booklets across the nation.

“These moving mediations will help us share Jesus’ Passion as He lives it today, bleeding and insulted from the worst sins all over society,” said America Needs Fatima campaign director Robert Ritchie. “It’s an inspiring way to offer reparation to Jesus and Mary for the sins of the world.”

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Today in the United States, there are 644 chapels where Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed twenty-four hours a day. Another 6,691 chapels have partial adoration hours. This is a great blessing for the entire country.

This new adoration booklet invites the faithful to deepen their love of God by becoming more dedicated adorers and crusaders for Christ and Holy Mother Church. The thirty-page booklet is ideal for a one-hour vigil with Our Lord.

For your free copy of “Be Still and Know that I AM GOD” please Click Here.



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