The True Colors of “Tolerance”

The American public is often asked to tolerate the “alternative homosexual lifestyle” in the name of diversity. This “tolerance” seeks to rid America of its so-called conservative, religious, bigoted, and discriminatory attitudes toward homosexual vice. At the same time, the homosexual movement has worked hard to convince the world that they are … Read more

TFP Decries Massachusetts Court’s Decision as “Morally Irresponsible”

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the November 18 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court finding no constitutional impediments for same-sex “marriage” in the Commonwealth: “The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) registers its … Read more

Standing up for God’s Law!

Standing up for God’s Law! 2

On Monday, November 3, TFP Student Action visited Penn State University in State College, Penn., as part of its campaign to defend traditional marriage. In less than five hours at the Allen Street gates, TFP volunteers distributed 3,000 flyers decrying the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, and collected over 200 … Read more

Fiction that Offends!

The BBC News reports that ABC reporter Elizabeth Vargas concedes her network’s one-hour “exploration” of whether Jesus Christ had a wife is going to offend people. However, this will not stop the November 3 screening. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its American Needs Fatima … Read more

Not Politically Correct, but Morally Correct

“I can’t believe it. You mean to tell me you’re out here against the homosexual agenda?” one student said. “Wait, let me go get my friends” he continued, “They’ll want to sign this petition to the Supreme Court against homosexuality too.” On Monday, October 27, nine members of TFP Student Action visited … Read more

Seeking First the Kingdom of Heaven

Seeking First the Kingdom of Heaven 2

“Amid the storms through which She passes today, She [the Church] could proudly and tranquilly say: ‘Alios ego vidi ventos; alias prospexi animo procellas’ (‘I have already seen other winds, I have weathered other storms’). The Church has fought in other lands, against adversaries from among other peoples, and she will undoubted … Read more

TFP Conference Unites Catholics in Crusade

TFP Conference Unites Catholics in Crusade 6

Was it the meetings, the lively conversations or the making of new friends? Was it the bishop’s sermon, the prince’s convocation or the hero’s testimony? Was it the rosary procession or the final High Mass? It is hard to decide which parts of the weekend were best since it takes a little … Read more

Another Voice on Campus

Do lesbians, homosexuals, bisesxuals and transgendered people have the right to adopt children? This was the topic of a debate held on October 7, 2003, by the club “PennForum” at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. TFP Student Action member Michael Drake participated on the panel and hoped to take part in … Read more

Madness in Madison

Madness in Madison 2

""""[vc_column_text] URGENT ACTION REQUESTED! It has been six long years since playwright Terrence McNally first staged his play Corpus Christi in New York City. Since then, the work, which portrays Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles as homosexuals, has generated protests, local indignation and negative publicity at alternative theaters. Thousands of … Read more

They Aren’t Married

Some newspapers have decided to publish “homosexual unions” in their wedding sections. Such placements have offended just-married couples and have no legal basis in reality since homosexual “marriage” is not recognized in the United States. The role of the press is to report the news not to legislate immorality. By doing this, … Read more