Habemus Papam!

Habemus Papam! 2

Letter to our newly elected Pope Benedict XVI Tuesday April 19th, 2005 VIA FACSIMILE His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Apostolic Palace Vatican City Your Holiness: With deep emotion, the directors and members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property thank Divine Providence for Your Holiness’ ascension to … Read more

TFP Sends Best Wishes to the Newly Elected Pope Benedict XVI

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 VIA FACSIMILE His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Apostolic Palace Vatican City Your Holiness: With deep emotion, the directors and members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property thank Divine Providence for Your Holiness’ ascension to the Chair of Peter. May the Blessed Virgin … Read more

Nothing Is the Matter with Kansas

Nothing Is the Matter with Kansas 1

On Tuesday, April 5, Kansas became the eighteenth state to amend its constitution by defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The second part of the amendment also declared that only traditional unions of one man and one woman would be entitled to the “rights and incidents” of … Read more

On the Front Lines with Terri

On the Front Lines with Terri 2

On the Front Lines with Terri It is hard to sort out the impressions from the police barricades at Woodside Hospice in Pinellas Park, Florida. Inside the building, Terri Schiavo is slowly and painfully dying. Outside there is a continuous flow of people from all over the country holding vigil. As a … Read more

TFP Registers Indignant Protest

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

In face of the starvation death of Terri Schiavo, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has registered its “indignant protest and heartfelt mourning” at the shameful and incomprehensible Schiavo tragedy. In a letter to Governor Jeb Bush, American TFP president Raymond Drake emphasized the organization’s total … Read more

Speaking on the Renaissance

Speaking on the Renaissance 2

TFP speaker Byron Whitcraft treated Kansas friends and supporters to a presentation titled, “Was the Renaissance a Rebirth or Regression?” The March 11-13 speaking tour included talks in Topeka and Wichita. The overwhelming majority of people today would probably say that the Renaissance was a rebirth. Mr.Whitcraft, however, demonstrated with quotes from … Read more

TFP at Penn State University: Working to Save Terri and Bar Euthanasia

TFP at Penn State University: Working to Save Terri and Bar Euthanasia 1

A motivated contingent of twenty-five TFP members and St. Louis de Montfort Academy students traveled to Penn State University on Monday morning, March 14, to rally for Terri Schiavo’s survival. TFP’s presence at the busy intersection of Allen Street and College Avenue in State College was eye-catching. Three bagpipers filled the crisp … Read more

Petition to Save Terri Schiavo Goes to Campus

You would have to be blind to miss members of TFP Student Action at Gettysburg College today. They were collecting petitions urging Governor Jeb Bush to redouble his efforts to save Terri Schiavo from forced court-ordered starvation in Florida, a plight causing nationwide controversy between moral values Americans and euthanasia proponents. Time … Read more