Teaching Manners at a Formal Tea

Teaching Manners at a Formal Tea 3

For TFP supporters and friends in Kansas, drinking tea became a learning experience. Now in its second year, the group held formal afternoon teas on the last two Saturdays in February. Fifty-eight mothers and daughters attended the first tea in Topeka and over one hundred were at a second one in Wichita. … Read more

Free Distribution of The Way of the Cross booklet

Free Distribution of The Way of the Cross booklet

During Lent, the vast majority of men today do not take time to reflect upon the sufferings and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To counter this sad neglect for Our Lord’s Passion, America Needs Fatima has launched a bold new outreach program to spread free compact disc recordings of The Way … Read more

NBC Show Insults the Holy Eucharist

According to the Catholic League, on February 22, NBC aired an unspeakably blasphemous episode of the sitcom “Committed,” in which two non-Catholics accidentally receive the Holy Eucharist at a funeral Mass. Uncertain of what to do, they attempt to slip it into a priests pocket and even placing the Host on a … Read more

Saving Terri Schiavo

Saving Terri Schiavo

Saving Terri Schiavo TFP Calls on America to Reject Roe v. Wade’s Bitter Fruits America is unsettled over the case of Terri Schiavo. Fifteen years ago, she suffered brain damage that left her totally dependent on others for basic care, including nourishment. Pursuant to a court order, this nourishment is scheduled to end March 18, when … Read more

A Plea for Terri!

A Plea for Terri! 2

The case of Terri Schiavo has been riveting public opinion for some time now. However, recent events have forced the issue into the foreground. Terri’s time may be running out. If her husband, Michael, has things his way, Terri’s feeding tube will be wrenched from her on March 18, resulting in her … Read more

TFP Student Action in Action at CPAC 2005

TFP Student Action in Action at CPAC 2005

On February 17-19, five young members of TFP Student Action attended the 32nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), held at the Ronald Reagan Building in downtown Washington D.C. Their participation included a protest against those who would claim same-sex “marriage” is an unresolved issue. The largest gathering of conservatives in the … Read more

Faithful Catholics Mobilize to Protest Play at St. Louis University

Faithful Catholics Mobilize to Protest Play at St. Louis University 3

With prayers, banners and resolve, a group of twenty-one faithful Catholics gathered outside of Tegeler Hall at St. Louis University on Friday February 11, 2005 to protest the vulgar and immoral play “The V***** Monologues” which was presented as part of the national ‘V-Day’ celebrations at universities across America. This “V-Day” college … Read more

Another St. Valentine’s Day “Massacre”

Another Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre 2

""""[vc_column_text] Feminists on thirty American Catholic universities are planning a new St. Valentine’s Day “Massacre,” where the Church’s traditional moral teaching is the victim, by organizing showings of the lewd play, “The V***** Monologues” in the weeks surrounding St. Valentine’s Day. (Asterisks added for the sake of modesty). The choice of St. … Read more

Marching for Moral Values

Marching for Moral Values 2

On January 24, people from across the nation and around the world faced icy cold temperatures at the Mall in Washington D.C. for the 32nd annual March for Life. The event was attended by over 100,000 people who gathered to express their repudiation for the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that … Read more

Avowed Lesbian Cast as God: Not Even the Idea of God is Sacred

Avowed Lesbian Cast as God: Not Even the Idea of God is Sacred

Many wrongly criticize those who protest blasphemy claiming that the most effective way to fight against blasphemous productions it is to ignore them and they will go away. Quite to the contrary, the best way to fight against blasphemy is to protest loudly and clearly in a peaceful and legal way. Blasphemy … Read more