Morality Matters at Millersville Univ.

Morality Matters at Millersville Univ. 1

With customary capes, standard and bagpipes, TFP volunteers were able to manifest their disapproval of the moral wrong of abortion, giving students a persuasive flyer, “Ten Reason Why Abortion is Wrong,” and the opportunity to take an opinion poll. The event took place on September 18, when TFP Student Action members traveled … Read more

TFP Sends out 2007 Fatima Calendars

TFP Sends out 2007 Fatima Calendars 2

The 2007 America Needs Fatima calendar has just been mailed to 110,000 people across the nation. This year’s calendar has pictures of the miraculous International Pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima, superimposed over photographs of beautiful American churches.   A brief introductory article in the calendar recounts that on October 13, … Read more

For Marriage in South Africa

For Marriage in South Africa 2

Young South Africans for a Christian Civilization – TFP was one of many pro-family organizations and religious groups represented at the march for marriage in Cape Town on September 16. Thousands of protesters took to the streets across South Africa demonstrating against same-sex “marriage” as South Africa’s parliament prepares to hold hearings … Read more

Finding Trans-Intolerance

Finding Trans-Intolerance 2

It is a common argument among those promoting the homosexual agenda that any sexual behavior should be allowed provided it does not harm another. Those holding to traditional morality based on natural law should not be concerned since it does not affect them. Everything should be handled in a spirit of “tolerance.” … Read more

Uncomfortable truth: Abortion is daily 9/11

Uncomfortable truth: Abortion is daily 9/11 1

September 11, 2001 is a date engraved in our nation’s collective memory. We will never forget the tragic day Islamic terrorists wrought havoc on America. We mourn the loss of innocent life. We pray. We fight so that order might prevail over chaos, Christian civilization over terrorism. Yet, side by side with … Read more

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers 2

Shedding its family-oriented image, Wal-Mart has recently made two corporate decisions that raised the ire of conservatives nationwide. The first decision was to join the world’s largest homosexual business development and economic advocacy group: the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), a leading promoter of homosexual “marriage.” Upon joining, Wal-Mart … Read more

Back in Action in Pennsylvania

Back in Action in Pennsylvania 2

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property held its annual Pennsylvania Call to Chivalry Camp for boys ages 12-18 at the TFP-staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy on August 11-20. This year’s Pennsylvania camp was modeled largely on an earlier TFP Camp held in Louisiana. Attended by 30 … Read more

America Needs Fatima Promotes Meet the Witnesses

Meet the Witnesses of the Miracle of the Sun

America Needs Fatima has just republished John Haffert’s book, Meet the Witnesses, which contains the most complete collection of eyewitness testimonies to the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima ever made. In an era of rationalism and doubt, this is the book’s unique contribution to the many volumes written on Fatima. However, … Read more

Students Discuss Challenges in a Dechristianized World

Students Discuss Challenges in a Dechristianized World 1

At the end of the final banquet, the full impact of a week in Europe could be felt. With candles burning low, many gradually filtered out of the majestic ballroom at Lowenstein Castle while others engaged in conversation late into the night exchanging so many impressions. Indeed participants in the TFP’s 2006 … Read more
