3,000 Rally Captains Reached!

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3000 Rosary Rally Captains Reached for 2008 Rosary Rally Crusade
Page from the computer database showing the 3,000 sign up on the screen.

On September 8, the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, the America Needs Fatima Campaign reached its goal of signing up 3,000 rally captains for the Public Square Rosary Rallies to be held on October 11. Reaching the goal was a tremendous birthday gift to the Blessed Mother.

The signup effort was the work of a dedicated crew of volunteers in the America Needs Fatima office near Topeka, Kansas who have been working throughout out the summer. They celebrated with a nice luncheon and a birthday cake wishing Our Lady a Happy Birthday!The public witness of a Rosary rally in the public square is one way of applying the Fatima message. Such events will pray for the future of the nations in these so uncertain times. Last year, over 2,000 rallies were held nationwide on the 90th anniversary of the miracle of the sun apparition.

The volunteers are continuing to sign up even more rally captains for Our Lady. To join this effort, please click here or call 1-866-584-6012.

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