9-Day Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano

9-Day Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano
9-Day Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano

Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano

(April 25 is the feast day of the apparition of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano)


Click the link of the corresponding day of the novena to
recite the Daily Novena Prayer, then continue below
First Day Fourth Day Seventh Day
Second Day Fifth Day Eighth Day
Third Day Sixth Day Ninth Day


Final Prayer

(To be recited each day)

Remember, O Immaculate Mary, Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, that it has never been heard of in any age that such as had recourse to thee, imploring thy help and seeking thy powerful intercession, were ever rejected, refused, or abandoned. Inspired with like hope and confidence, I fly to thee, O Mary, Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, and my Mother; before thee I come, casting myself on my unworthiness. O Mother of the Eternal Word made Flesh, obtain for me from the Sacred and Adorable Heart of Jesus, my Savior, all the graces and blessings I most require, each day of my life. O Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, reject not my petitions, but mercifully hear and answer me. Amen.


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Prayer for First Day

O Mary, my mother, I humbly beseech you to counsel me as I begin this novena of prayerful petition. I fly to your protection, O holy Mother of God. You are the defense of all Christians, the Seat of Wisdom, the Mother of Good Counsel.

You know, most holy virgin, how much I require your all-powerful aid. Guard me from the evils that afflict me; heal my wounds; relieve my wants and miseries. Obtain for me strength and courage to bear the trials and temptations of life. O Virgin most prudent, help me to persevere until death in the love of God.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, Mother of Good Counsel, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Second Day

O most holy Virgin, Cause of our joy, you were chosen by the Blessed Trinity to be the Mother of the Word made Flesh. You alone were conceived Immaculate; you always remained faithful to the indwelling Holy Ghost. Every moment of your life you were “full of grace.”

O Mary Immaculate, I gratefully acknowledge the countless joys you have gained for me the happiness I have found in my Faith; the contentment in prayer; the security of your protection. As I make known my petitions in this novena, I promise always to revere you as the Treasure of divine grace.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Third Day

O Mary, Refuge of sinner, you are our life, our sweetness, our hope. It has never been heard that anyone ever sought your help and was rejected. Amid the uncertainties of life I turn to you; with aching heart I seek your comfort and counsel.

No one can ever number the favors you have granted; the tears you have dried, the needs you have supplied, the sickness you have cured, the petitions you have answered. O Mother of Mercy, hear my prayers and grant my requests.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Fourth Day

O Virgin most renowned, you are our advocate at the Throne of Mercy. By your intercession with your divine Son you have saved us from the punishment we deserve for our sins. You have obtained for us mercy and pardon.

To you I turn, imploring your aid. O gentle and loving Mother. Pity me in my misery; help me in my needs; give me good counsel. To you I pour forth my petitions in this novena, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Fifth Day

O Virgin Mary, Queen of Martyrs, I thank you for the consolation you have given me in times of sorrow and anxiety. I bring to mind the great suffering you so patiently endured. In the Temple as you offered your Divine Son, you heard the words of the prophet:

“Your own soul a sword of sorrow shall pierce.”

Standing at Calvary you compassionated your dying Son. The lance which opened His Sacred Heart was the sword which pierced your soul.

I am deeply sorry for my sins which caused your Son to suffer such a cruel Passion and Death. O compassionate Mother, help me in my hours of suffering and tribulation; counsel me to unite my sufferings with the Cross of Christ; teach me to draw from His Passion the strength to bear my cross daily and so to atone for my sins.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Sixth Day

O Mother of Good Counsel, Star of the Sea, to you I turn for light to guide my uncertain steps through life. Throughout the world, in every land, your picture is venerated. Your gracious image is given an honored place in countless homes. So many people, in prayerful petition, have obtained from you good counsel.

O Virgin most faithful, renew in my heart the joy of true devotion to you. May your counsel enlighten the darkness of my mind and safeguard me from the misery of sin.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Seventh Day

O Mother most admirable, I recall the wondrous gifts of grace and healing which have occurred at your shrine in Genazzano. For five hundred years there has been the constant testimony of grateful clients. To countless multitudes who have knelt before your picture health has been restored, afflictions have been removed, peace of mind restored, faith has been strengthened, repentance for sin granted.

Beloved Mother of Good Counsel, be mindful of the favors you have granted to others. Listen to the prayers I humbly pour forth. Protect me from the dangers that surround me; keep me secure under your protection.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Eighth Day

O most glorious Virgin, Mother of my Redeemer, I rejoice that I can call upon your protection. Your great desire is to be my counsellor in the urgent matter of my eternal salvation. Kindly receive me, O Consoler of the Afflicted; awaken in me a spirit of true repentance; entice me towards perfection; comfort me in my sorrows; remove from me all doubts; draw me nearer to your Divine Son.

Today I implore you to heed my prayers. Obtain from Jesus pardon for my sins. Show yourself a mother unto me; counsel me to become a true child of yours. May He, through you, receive my prayer Who, for love of me became your Son.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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Prayer for Ninth Day

O most glorious Queen of Heaven and earth, with joy I gaze upon your renowned picture. In your arms you lovingly enfold the Divine Infant, your head turned tenderly towards Him. Safely He nestles in the protections of your embrace. From Him you draw all knowledge and counsel.

In union with all who venerate you at your shrine in Genazzano I gratefully praise God for the gift of this picture. While I mention my petitions in this novena, I promise to heed your counsel and to be fully reconciled to God’s Will. I shall always strive to prove myself to be a true child of yours. O Help of Christians, give me your counsel; in life and in death assist me, O merciful mother.

O Mary, most blessed Virgin, may the blessing of your Son come upon me. Amen.

Recite Three Hail Marys.

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