On June 17, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) assembled on the steps of the State Capitol Building in Oklahoma City. They were holding a rosary rally as part of the TFP’s Restore America Campaign. Young TFP volunteers are traveling to all 50 state capitals, praying the Rosary for the conversion of the nation.
The center of the rally was a large statue of Our Lady of Fatima with the TFP standard nearby. A banner read “Praying for America’s Return to Order. Participants held signs, including one which encourages the faithful to act with “calm, courage, confidence.”
Please Help Us Blanket America with Rosaries
with a Tank of Gas!
Local supporters and families joined the rosary rally, saying it is a much-needed effort in these turbulent and uncertain times.
This Rosary rally took on an added significance because of the TFP’s past actions in the city against Satanism.
“The Satanists are particularly active here,” observed TFP member William Gossett. “We have been here several times to protest against public ‘black masses’ and even a Christmas-Eve desecration of a statue of the Blessed Mother.”
The TFP also opposed efforts by the Satanic Temple to install a statue of Baphomet, a devil in goat form on the capitol grounds in 2015. The Temple’s attempt failed amid much controversy.
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The return to Oklahoma City by the TFP members awakened hopes that Our Lady would shower graces of conversion over the city and the nation.