LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance

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LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance
LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance

“Fascists!” screamed a man at TFP volunteers as he and his friends protested while holding a flag with the words “Democratic Socialists of America” written on it.

The scene was from a campaign with fellow volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) standing up for children’s innocence against transgenderism at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(UWM).

I’ve seen quite a lot of reactions, both good and bad, to our TFP Student Action campaigns over the years. The negative reactions from liberal students and leftist groups are always interesting to analyze. We can observe students’ lack of logic when they attempt to debate or the way they get triggered and scream, curse and even eat our literature. However, what this campaign aptly illustrates is that the activists of the left will always come together against those defending Christian civilization.

LGBT+…Democratic Socialists of America?

At UWM, we learned that the socialists will always unite regardless of the issue. We stood on campus with leaflets and a banner proclaiming our message to protect children from gender ideology. A group of around a dozen students, all dressed in black, suddenly appeared and started to yell at the volunteers.

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They were all wearing rainbow pins with a picture of the socialist rose and two hands shaking. They then pulled out two flags: a rainbow flag with the word “RESIST” on it and another red flag that said, “The Democratic Socialists of America.” There is no contradiction.

LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance
LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance

One leftist called us fascists. My friend, Nathan Kinley, responded, “We’re not the ones imposing a dictatorship on the private sector. If anyone’s a fascist, it’s the LGBT mob.” They also yelled out, “We love you!” A TFP member responded that their shouting didn’t sound very loving. Then, they changed their tune: “We hate you!”

At first glance, some might be surprised to see socialists come out so quickly openly in favor of LGBT ideology and wave rainbow flags. Protecting children from LGBT perversity seems to be outside the range of their stated interest.

After all, isn’t socialism more economic or political? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, socialism is “any of various egalitarian economic and political theories or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”

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However, a keyword in that definition is egalitarian. Communists want complete and unnatural equality among all people in society. Thus, they find the idea of the family detestable. They see the family as a hierarchical institution led by the father, who is an “oppressor” over his children and his wife, who is “shackled” to him through lifelong marriage.

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Indeed, Karl Marx, the chief ideologue of socialist thought, explicitly states in his Communist Manifesto of 1848 that the family must be abolished. Divorce, birth control, sex education and the indoctrination of children through gender theory are all consistent means to achieve this Marxist goal.

LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance
LGBT+ and the Democratic Socialists of America: a Natural Alliance

Thus, the rainbow flag-waving socialists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are proof that the left will always unite whenever there is a chance to attack tradition, family or property. This should prompt those on the right to fight against socialism wherever it appears.

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