A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks

A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks
A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks

Nestled among the splendorous red and gold leafed hills of the Arkansas Ozarks, and beneath a towering cliff where eagles soar, nearly 30 boys gathered from around America for a camp unlike any other.

The boys weren’t coming to fish, play sports or enjoy the great outdoors. They came for something far greater: to discover an ideal that seems to have been completely lost: Chivalry.

The camp’s title proclaimed its purpose: the TFP-Louisiana’s Fall 2023 Call to Chivalry Camp. Held from November 16-20 at the White Buffalo Resort in rural Arkansas, the boys learned about crusader role models, played Chivalry-themed games and enjoyed a fraternal camaraderie hard to find in today’s world.

“It’s Better to Be an Eagle for a Minute Than a Toad for a Lifetime”

The camp’s first talk was on the Epic Spirit by Joseph Dunlap. The participants were encouraged to embrace a spirit of self-sacrifice and heroism, rather than today’s option of sinking into self-centeredness and mediocrity. He concluded with a slogan, which would be repeated throughout the camp: “It’s better to be an eagle for a minute than a toad for a lifetime.”

A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks
The camp’s first talk was on the Epic Spirit by Joseph Dunlap. The participants were encouraged to embrace a spirit of self-sacrifice and heroism, rather than today’s option of sinking into self-centeredness and mediocrity.

Discovering Poland’s Crusader Spirit

The theme of the camp was Catholic Poland. Thus, the young men learned about the great monks and knights who stood up against the Swedish Protestant effort to eradicate the Faith from Poland in 1655. In the epic story of the siege of Jasna Gora, a small Catholic force won a resounding victory against a besieging army of Protestants. During the siege Our Lady appeared standing on the walls striking terror and confusion into the hearts of the Protestant enemy.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

The sacrificial side of a true crusader was highlighted in the talk about the “Knight of the Immaculata,” the life of Saint Maximilian Kolbe given by Mr. Elias Bartel.

Mr. Bartel held his audience spellbound as he related the many cruelties inflicted on Saint Maximilian Kolbe. Nazi guards viciously beat him seeking to make him give up his Faith. He sacrificed his life by joining ten men in a starvation bunker in a supreme act of heroism during which he provided spiritual help to those who would die and enter eternity.

Crusaders Defend the Defenseless

The vocation of a crusader calls for defending those who cannot defend themselves. This is especially true of the unborn children in the womb who have no defense. On Sunday, the boys went out to the town of Springdale to defend the right to life in a street campaign.

A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks
On Sunday, the boys went out to the town of Springdale to defend the right to life in a street campaign.
A Beacon of Hope Radiates At TFP-Louisiana’s Call to Chivalry Camp In the Ozarks
The campaign featured banners and signs that read “Honk Against Abortion” and “Defend the Unborn.”

The campaign featured banners and signs that read “Honk Against Abortion” and “Defend the Unborn.” TFP members played the bagpipes and drums, which added an enthusiastic and lively note to the demonstration. The vast majority of passing cars honked and many people waved in support.

Embracing the Cross

A favorite activity for these fall campers was the hike up the cliff across the river from the campground. After crossing the river in boats, the young men scrambled up the cliff to their destination—a large cross 450 feet above the river. From the summit, the group prayed the rosary and sang hymns and crusader songs, which echoed over the plain below.

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The hike served to remind camp participants that crusaders are called to embrace the crosses of hardship and suffering. However, those who take up their cross find true peace and joy.

The Future Belongs to Those Who Fight Under Our Lady’s Banner

Thus, the camp was a source of hope for the future. While civilization collapses, young men are still to be found who love and embrace a culture built on purity, heroism and true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Catholic Church.

Victory belongs to those who confide in the words of Our Lady of Fatima who promised her coming triumph. All that remains is for her followers to do their part in fighting the spiritual battles raging in today’s culture.

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