A Report on the War on Patriarchy

A Report on the War on Patriarchy
A Report on the War on Patriarchy

What do free love, fornication, adultery, unnatural vice, Spiritism, the occult, Satanism, radical egalitarianism, revolution, socialism, communism, hatred and willful homicide have in common?

The answer: Feminism.

The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us is well worth reading. Author Carrie Gress traces the history of the feminist movement from the eighteenth—century feminist pioneer Mary Wollstonecraft (mother of Mary Shelley) to modern-day feminists.

She concludes that feminism is all about the destruction of social hierarchy. The author makes very valid points about the enormous influence of the French Revolution and its hatred of hierarchy. This hatred easily extended to God and His Catholic Church.

The degree of this hatred is so shocking because it reveals the malice of its followers. Dr. Gress documents the most terrible aberrations of the most important promoters of feminism. She shows that feminism is not about fairness and equality. It is a revolution.

If one were to sum up the doctrine of feminism, it would be the hatred and overthrow of patriarchy. Patriarchy has existed in family and social life since the beginning of mankind. It assigns to the father a directive and protective role in society.

Thus, patriarchy protects spouses, families, children, the weak, society and the Church. The more virtuous the society, the more authentically the patriarchy shines. Patriarchy fosters social order.

With feminism, the word patriarchy has been turned into an oppressive mechanism that must be suppressed in the name of equality. Hence, a battle of irreconcilable parties is put in place.

Tragically, this notion of patriarchy has suffered from the abandonment of grace and Catholic teachings on marriage and family. Many husbands and fathers do not practice the virtues needed to be good husbands and fathers.

Thus, what exists today are just the remnants of patriarchy. However, feminism hates even those remnants and does everything possible to prevent any natural resurgence of patriarchy. For this reason, it facilitates men living hedonistic lives that take advantage of women and demand no responsibility and accountability.

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Since God, in the first Person of the Blessed Trinity, is called the Father, much of the hatred of feminism is directed towards God.

The history of feminism cites many shocking quotes from its promoters and creators. Sociologist Sylvia Walby, for example, wrote that patriarchy is “a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress, and exploit women.”

The author recounts the dialogue of feminist Kate Millett and fellow feminists around a large table in Greenwich Village in the sixties in which the group responded to questions in unison:

“Why are we here today?”

“To make revolution.”

“What kind of revolution?”

“The Cultural Revolution.”

“How do we make Cultural Revolution?”

“By destroying the American family.”

“How do we destroy the family?”

“By destroying the American Patriarch.”

“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?”

“By taking away his power!”

“How do we do that?”

“By destroying monogamy!”

“How can we destroy monogamy?”

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, abortion and homosexuality.!”

This quote succinctly sums up the ideology of feminism and the revolutionary process to destroy the social order.

The book is a who’s who of the pagan pantheon of feminists who are part of the feminist revolution. The characters include Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Angela Davis, Kate Millett, Hugh Hefner, Phil Donahue and Gloria Steinem. The two pro-feminist men supported the cause because it favored sexual liberation and hedonism.

The driving force of all revolutions is pride, which leads to radical egalitarianism and sensuality. These two vices are present in every promoter and practitioner of feminism.

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The author concludes with a call to end the vilification of men and move to restore the family. These are excellent suggestions. To them, sanctifying grace and the practice of Catholic virtues must be added as the ultimate solution.

There are two points of disagreement. One is the misuse of the word elites. Sadly, many misuse this term to mean something derogatory. The “elites” the author is writing about could be better described as “pseudo—elites.” Authentic elites are examples of excellence, not the mediocrity or depravity of pseudo—elites.

Another problem is the details exposing the moral aberrations of some of these feminists could be less explicit. Readers can read between the lines. Such mentions only occur a few times.

Thus, one can recommend this book. It is full of important information for those interested in learning about the over two-century process of the Satanic corruption of half of society. The overwhelming majority of those who still possess sound principles will see in this book the hidden and dark depths of feminism. They will see that when wives and daughters are corrupted by its influence, so are husbands and sons. Feminism targets all society. Dr. Gress’ book is an essential report from the cultural war battlefield.

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