Absorbing the surprising results of the November 2024 general election, the immediate sensation was one of relief. The media had prepared the country for a razor-close contest for president and Congress. Many did not expect an immediate outcome and thought the results would be both contested and take days to resolve.
Fortunately, the winners received clear mandates, and the nation was saved from yet another source of acrimony. There was no violence or aggression.
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However, the smoothness of the elections was not the greatest cause for relief. The radical policies of the Harris ticket loomed on the horizon. Many Americans feared the triumph of aggressive abortion and LGBTQ policies, woke initiatives and further immigration chaos. They feared a socialist train wreck election where everyone would suffer and the nation taken to further ruin.
A sigh of great relief welcomed voters on the morning after. The train tracks were clear. Major socialist reforms were again avoided. Despite all the rhetoric about an “opportunity economy,” the defeat of the left prevented many “opportunities” for the government to regulate and intervene in the free market and lives of countless Americans.
Social conservatives welcomed the defeat of three pro-abortion referenda and decried the success of seven others. However, the victories broke the myth that all pro-life measures lose during elections.
One final point of relief was considering the psychological impact of the victory upon the nation and the world. The left was left desolate, disarticulate and downcast. Results contradicted expectations.
Yet again, the class struggle narrative so essential to leftist mythology was proven wrong. It was the “oppressed” working class that turned on the left and supported the right in massive numbers.
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The Harris defeat sent shock waves everywhere. It was a major blow to leftists worldwide who have suffered electoral defeats in Europe and South America. With the American election, the leftist cause worldwide now flounders aimlessly.
These results merit a sigh of relief from which should come a resolution to fight harder for America and the West.
The election is but a battle inside the context of a larger cultural war for the American soul. That battle rages unabated amid society’s moral decay.
Thus, this relief should inspire conservatives to redouble efforts for a return to order. It calls for pressuring those elected conservatives who have wavered and even abandoned the moral issues they once defended.
It is indeed time to sigh in relief. So much harm was avoided. In many Americans, it certainly provoked a prayer of thanksgiving to Almighty God for saving America from a train wreck election.
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