America Needs Fatima Finishes Year Strong

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America Needs Fatima Finishes Year Strong America Needs Fatima (ANF) finished 2006 with two initiatives it hopes will set the tone for 2007. First, the campaign sent out 85,000 Saint Christopher medals to its supporters across the nation. As Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, it hopes these medals will help protect its members on their travels.

An accompanying letter suggests that the medals be hung from car rearview mirrors, to remind drivers to invoke the intercession of the saint when driving.

The second initiative is ANF’s yearly membership card mailing. Each membership card is personalized and represents one’s support for the activities of ANF to promote the Fatima message against the immoral trends of our days. This year, 120,000 membership cards were mailed out.

The accompanying letter outlines three challenges for ANF in 2007. These include expanding its anti-blasphemy network, Fatima home visitation program and efforts to curb the homosexual movement on America’s colleges and universities. It finishes thanking ANF supporters for their generosity that made possible its activities in 2006.

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