Anita’s Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Far From Over

Anita’s Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Far From Over
Anita’s Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Far From Over

A political myth states that once the Supreme Court has spoken, the issue is definitively settled. Especially when referring to liberal projects, these pronouncements are about as close to secular infallibility as it gets.

This was the case of Roe v. Wade. For decades, liberals insisted upon calling the unsettling decision “settled law.” It could not be changed and was part of the equally mythical and unstoppable process of history that supposedly pushes everything inevitably leftward.

Pro-abortionists complacently hid behind the wall of settled law for years. The overturning of Roe v. Wade proved the myth wrong. It showed that the poorly written decision was not etched in stone but dissolved when subjected to legal scrutiny. Other liberal idols are likewise vulnerable.

Targeting Obergefell

Now conservative activists are looking at the Supreme Court’s “written-in-stone” decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the ruling that imposed same-sex “marriage” on America.

Like Roe, the approving justices found a constitutional right to this “marriage” hidden inside the penumbras of the American Constitution. The liberal justices—and a single “conservative” justice pulled this new right to frustrate the ends of marriage out of thin air. The scathing dissenting opinions rightly observed that approval would open the floodgates for legalizing any sexual relationships and validating all types of sexual behavior.

Challenging Counterfeit Marriage

The very active grassroots organization, MassResistance, is challenging the irrational foundations of Obergefell. It is adopting a Dobbs-like strategy to overturn the iniquitous 2015 decision, claiming that the Supreme Court forced states to allow these “marriages” based on faulty legal premises.

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The call to overturn Obergefell is catapulting the issue back onto the political stage, causing insecurity among those who thought same-sex “marriage” was “settled law.”

MassResistance activists have contacted state representatives and senators asking them to pass resolutions in their 2025 state legislative sessions, calling on the Supreme Court to reverse its Obergefell decision.

Legislatures in six states are now poised to introduce these resolutions. The pioneer states include North Dakota, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Montana and Iowa. Activists report that lawmakers in nine more states have expressed interest in introducing the measure in their chambers. Doors are opening in other states as well.

Following a Familiar Script

While the measures are simple “resolutions” with no power to overturn the decision, they do send a strong message to the nation. They return what some thought was a decided issue back into the limelight. The uproar creates momentum that prepares for further action…and victories.

Indeed, the left has read this script before. No one thought the overturn of Roe was even remotely possible, especially after being “settled” for nearly fifty years. However, the persistent efforts of pro-lifers chipped away at the foundations of this infamous decision so that, with much activism and prayers, Roe was overturned.

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Although the defeat of Roe did not eliminate abortion, it did much to demoralize and diminish the pro-abortion camp. Similarly, any overturning of Obergefell will return the matter to the states (many of which had state constitutional amendments defending marriage). More importantly, it will break the myth of the inevitability of the advance of the LGBTQ agenda. It will show that resistance is possible. It will prepare the way for other measures to defend traditional marriage.

The Left Is Alarmed

The efforts are having an effect since the left is alarmed by the immense backlash against the LGBTQ agenda. State legislatures are full of bills opposing leftist agendas that many feel are being jammed down their throats.

The public mood is changing and many people are fighting back.

The Persecution of Anita Bryant

As the national debate rages on, the New York Magazine website took note of the death of Anita Bryant—the poster child of the anti-homosexual agenda battles in the seventies.

In a way, she presented the trajectory of all those who dared to oppose this agenda at the time. Anita Bryant was a popular singer with a brilliant career ahead of her. However, she gave it all up when opposing a Dade County, Florida, “anti-discrimination” ordinance giving homosexuals special rights in employment and housing. Her campaign, “Save Our Children,” was successful as the voters defeated the ordinance in an exercise of democracy.

However, the liberal establishment reacted to her opposition by brutally discriminating against her. It cut off her career path. She lost almost everything. However, she never regretted her decision because she said, “I did the right thing.”

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Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida founder and Executive Director Anthony Verdugo commented on the death in the Miami Herald, saying:

“Anita Bryant was a pioneer, a hero and the first parental rights champion in our country,” Verdugo said. “She had a huge impact and will be remembered not as anti-anything but as pro-family, pro-children, pro-parent and pro-home. She had the vision to see what was coming and foretold the battle we fight today, recognizing that there is nothing civil or human or right about imposing ideology under the cover of education.”

Anita Is Winning

The New York Magazine article took an entirely different angle. It noted that the present backlash against LGBTQ activism is vindicating her memory. At the time of her death, Christian activism is rising, especially regarding threats to the children and education done in the name of “anti-discrimination or bias.”

 “Far from admitting cultural defeat,” the article continues, “they’ve chipped away systematically at anti-discrimination ordinances across the country with the assistance of legal groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom.”

These efforts are succeeding. Indeed, the article’s title is telling: “Anita Bryant Is Winning.”

Photo Credit: © Rawf8 –

Updated January 20, 2025.


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