If Christ Is Not God, Our Salvation Is a Lie

In The Da Vinci Code, one finds the horrible affirmation advanced by one of its characters that Christ is not God but was deified by Constantine to advance a political agenda. This is supposedly “the greatest cover-up in history.” From the very beginning of the Church, there have always been those who … Read more

TFP Announces Da Vinci Code Holy Hour

After a full month of theater protests, the American TFP will sponsor a national hour of Eucharistic adoration in reparation for The Da Vinci Code’s blasphemies. The event will be held from 5:00-6:00 P.M., on June 18, the feast of Corpus Christi. The TFP hopes its more than 1,000 protest organizers will … Read more

Students Take Protests to Cities

Students Take Protests to Cities 2

The TFP-staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy just finished classes for the year, but a group of seven students will not spend their summers lounging on the couch. Led by TFP member Mathew Shibler, they are traveling across the nation as part of the Reject The Da Vinci Code campaign. Their grueling … Read more

A Time for Action: The Da Vinci Code Rejected

A Time for Action: The Da Vinci Code Rejected 4

On May 19, 2006, The Da Vinci Code was released nationwide, and a polarized America was stirred up all the more with this latest example of blasphemy against the Faith. For months, the media and the film’s promoters have highlighted the various nonfictional issues raised in this “fictional” work. Many Catholics saw … Read more

Hey! It’s Only Fiction!

So many times we hear contradictory statements from supporters of The Da Vinci Code. Some supporters tell us it is only fiction and should not be worried by it. Others affirm the historic “facts” in the book are true. What are we to believe? Cases In Point Long Live the DaVinci Code … Read more

Answers to 10 Common Media Questions

Question: What are you doing here? Answer:We’re doing a prayer vigil in reparation for the blasphemies in The Da Vinci Code. This is one of a thousand prayer vigils across the country, from Miami, Florida to Anchorage, Alaska. Question: Isn’t it just fiction? Answer: Actually, it’s worse than fiction —it’s blasphemy! God … Read more

Massive Protest Can Derail “Da Vinci”

Thousands of Catholics are expected to show up in force on May 19 to protest the release of The Da Vinci Code film, which they call blasphemous. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign have organized at least 1,000 peaceful prayer … Read more

Gnosticism, Anti-Catholicism and the Da Vinci Code

Gnosticism, Anti-Catholicism and the Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code did not break new ground, but continued in a long line of scurrilous books that attack Catholic belief. Like most symbolic literature, it was written on two levels. The writer had the ability to construct a tight, fast-paced narrative about a man and a woman fleeing from dangerous … Read more

Petition Against ‘Da Vinci Code’ Quickly Tops 100,000

Hanover, PA, May 13, 2006 – The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are inviting concerned Catholics to join a petition against The Da Vinci Code. So far, the effort has garnered 100,946 signatures and steadily continues to gain steam. “A … Read more

TFP Publishes Full-page Ad in USA Today


To invite people to the more than 1,000 theater protests against The Da Vinci Code movie, the American TFP has published a full-page ad in America’s most-widely-read newspaper, USA Today. The ad, which will be printed in 2.2 million copies of the newspaper throughout this week, contains a beautiful image of Christ … Read more