Rejecting The Da Vinci Code Book Goes Nationwide

Rejecting The Da Vinci Code Book Goes Nationwide 2

As part of its massive protest against blasphemy, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are targeting tens of thousands of their activists sending them copies of the book, Rejecting The Da Vinci Code. By spreading the book to select membership … Read more

Washington Bureau Launches Rejecting The Da Vinci Code

Washington Bureau Launches Rejecting The Da Vinci Code 2

On Saturday, December 3, the TFP Washington Bureau was filled with friends and supporters who braved a blustery winter night to hear a presentation on the hard-hitting book just authored by the TFP Committee on American Issues, Rejecting The Da Vinci Code: How a Blasphemous Novel Brutally Attacks Our Lord and the … Read more

Protest Corpus Christi in Nebraska!

Protest Corpus Christi in Nebraska! 2

When Terrence McNally’s work Corpus Christi shows at the University of Nebraska’s Studio Theatre on December 1-3, it will generate plenty of controversy and negative publicity. Wherever it is staged, the blasphemous play, which portrays Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles as homosexuals, always triggers protests from deeply offended Catholics who … Read more

Rejecting the Da Vinci Code in the Midwest

Rejecting the Da Vinci Code in the Midwest 4

As part of campaign against Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is holding promotional talks for its new book. During the November 4-6 weekend, American TFP Vice President John Horvat launched the book in Topeka, Kans. and St. Louis. The … Read more

Full Frontal- Fully Offensive

Full Frontal- Fully Offensive 2

When art is offensive, it is only natural that those offended protest – all have the right to speak out freely. And yet it is ironic that those “artists” that produce such works protest when people protest. They even cite the First Amendment as a justification to intimidate and silence critics, failing … Read more

A Call to Reject The Da Vinci Code

A Call to Reject The Da Vinci Code 2

Few things merit more rejection than affirming that which is not true. Such an act offends the object of the attack and betrays the trust of those who hear it. The gravity of the offense is magnified when the object is Christ and His Church and the audience is the readership of … Read more

Margaret Starbird Protest

Margaret Starbird Protest 2

On Sunday, October 16, protesters gathered outside Unity Village in Lee’s Summit, Missouri where “Gnostic fiction historian” Margaret Starbird spoke about a Saint Mary Magdalene quite different from that of Church tradition. Ms. Starbird is cited as a significant influence on Dan Brown’s bestseller, The Da Vinci Code, which asserts Christ married … Read more

DeGeneres Will Not Play God

Protesters can claim one more case where protesting has proven effective. The Hollywood remake of the comedy “Oh God!” planned for this summer will not be going anywhere soon. Last fall, Hollywood announced with some fanfare the news that Jerry Weintraub Productions would be filming the remake which portrays God as a … Read more

TFP to Columbia Pictures: Release the Script!

TFP to Columbia Pictures: Release the Script! 2

While The Da Vinci Code book is a nationwide bestseller with plenty of publicity, not much is known about the film version of the novel. In a measure that appears to avoid controversy, the movie company is keeping the movie script under wraps. The last news update on the film’s web site … Read more

Feeling the Heat

Feeling the Heat

Random House Refuses TFP Permission to Quote The Da Vinci Code When the American TFP petitioned Random House, Inc. for permission to quote The Da Vinci Code in its upcoming book, it expected the response to be entirely pro forma. After all, academic discussion and free exchange of ideas should be esteemed … Read more