TFP Denounces Anti-Catholic Marketing

TFP Denounces Anti-Catholic Marketing

Note: The item below deals with a company in the United States and has nothing to do with a company with the same name in Europe. It is a sad state of things when even a simple trip to the supermarket could be an occasion to view insults ridiculing the Faith. That … Read more

Catholics to Santa Fe Museum: Keep Blasphemy Out!

Catholics to Santa Fe Museum: Keep Blasphemy Out!

Nearly a thousand Catholics gathered and prayed in front of Santa Fe’s Museum of International Folk Art to express their outrage at an exhibit they considered blasphemous. The June 30 rally centered on Alma Lopez’s “Our Lady,” an “art” display that has divided this New Mexican city for months.

TFP Protests Corpus Christi at Indiana University

Protest Corpus Christi

Like most productions considered blasphemous, the scheduled showing of the play Corpus Christi at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) on August 10-11, is dividing the local community members, many of whom are lodging protests against Chancellor Michael Wartell who has refused to reconsider.

TFP Announces Reparation Rally at Santa Fe Museum

Overwhelming public outcry should have prompted the museum officials to cancel the art exhibit. However, despite the continual yet peaceful protests, Alma Lopez’s “Our Lady” exhibit at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico will remain for five more months. Press reports describe the exhibit as a computer … Read more

Our Lady of Guadalupe Insulted: This Isn’t Just Any Blasphemy!

Our Lady of Guadalupe Insulted: This Isn't Just Any Blasphemy!

Just when blasphemy is withdrawn from one place, it rears its ugly head in another. This time in New Mexico. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima affiliate campaign had just finished a successful rally of reparation and protest at the Brooklyn … Read more

TFP Opens Flier Floodgates to Protest Blasphemy

Legion: A Film that Mocks the Faith and Leads to Despair 1

Protest fliers are now available for those who want to make their voices heard about the Brooklyn Museum of Art’s current exhibits which many Catholic consider blasphemous. The American TFP and its affiliate campaign America Needs Fatima announced the fliers are the latest development in its peaceful protest against the blasphemy. According … Read more

The American TFP Announces Rally of Reparation

The American TFP Announces Rally of Reparation

What the Brooklyn Museum of Art calls “art,” Catholics across the country consider blasphemy. To protest, the American TFP and its affiliate campaign America Needs Fatima announced today an April 21 rally of peaceful protest and reparation in front of the museum. According to press reports, two blasphemous portrayals of Jesus Christ … Read more

Campaign against Brooklyn Art Museum

Campaign against Brooklyn Art Museum

For the second time in recent years, the Brooklyn Museum of Art is at the center of controversy as Catholics protest against portrayals considered blasphemous. In response, the American TFP and its affiliate campaign America Needs Fatima announced today the launching of a massive grassroots campaign of peaceful protest and reparation. According … Read more

A Big No To Corpus Christi at Akron University

A Big No To Corpus Christi at Akron University

When blasphemy reared its ugly head on the University of Akron, faithful Catholics could not remain silent. On February 2-4, American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign organized protests and acts of reparation against three performances of the blasphemous play Corpus Christi. The play presents Our Lord Jesus Christ and the … Read more

NO! to Dogma on Video

The anti-blasphemy fight continues as the TFP launches a huge protest against Sony’s Columbia Tristar Home Video for producing and distributing the blasphemous movie Dogma on video and DVD. Dogma portrays a supposed descendant of Holy Mary and St. Joseph working in an abortion clinic! It mocks everything Catholics hold sacred – … Read more