Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence 1

Nearly two thousand Catholics gathered in front of New York City’s Lincoln Center to express their outrage at the controversial film, Dogma’s October 4 debut at the New York Film Festival. It was the first of the many protests organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property … Read more

Protest and Reparation in Manhattan

Protest and Reparation in Manhattan 1

Thousands of Catholics voice their outrage over the blasphemous play Corpus Christi. When playwright Terrence McNally first conceived the idea of portraying the Second Person of the Holy Trinity as a homosexual in his blasphemous play Corpus Christi, he probably did not expect that it would provoke such a substantial protest as … Read more

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

1997 – Last fall the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles exhibited a statue of Our Lady of Grace with a drain pipe through her womb and standing on a grate under which were human limbs in offensive positions. Promotional literature on the exhibit stated that “Robert Gober’s sterile Virgin Mary … Read more

Last Temptation

Last Temptation

1988 – Slightly more than two years after releasing Hail Mary, Universal Studios launched The Last Temptation of Christ. This film portrayed the Sacred Person of Our Lord as a man unsure of his mission, a man full of fears and inhibitions, a common sinner who was tempted by Mary Magdalen and … Read more

On the Verge of a Public Blasphemy!

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

ON THE VERGE OF A PUBLIC BLASPHEMY!   The American TFP Launches a Fervent Appeal — An Open Letter to Universal Pictures Concerning the Film The Last Temptation of Christ   To: Universal Pictures Gentlemen: FOR SOME TIME NOW, reports have circulated about the production of the film, The Last Temptation of … Read more