Victory! Satan Kicked Out of Boca Raton

Victory! Satan Kicked Out of Boca Raton 1

Over 200 faithful Catholics in Florida converged on Boca Raton’s Sanborn Park Square on December 1 to protest a satanic “Christmas” display next to a Catholic Nativity scene. They soon learned to their joy that the display would not be appearing this year as it has for the past two years. Sponsored … Read more

Your Online Protests Stop Sacrileges

Your Online Protests Stop Sacrileges

Twice in the last month, online protests of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) have succeeded in removing sacrilegious items from purchase or have elicited apologies from the offending parties. The first incident involved the online discount store Groupon, which featured a blasphemous product on their … Read more

The Miracle on Seventh Avenue: When Planned Parenthood Apologized

The Miracle on Seventh Avenue: When Planned Parenthood Apologized 2

When the videos exposing the dealing in baby body parts came out last year, many of us thought Planned Parenthood’s time had come. Surely, Congress and the states would act upon what appeared to be indisputable evidence of wrongdoing. Surely, the mammoth abortion provider would be defunded, and its reputation irreparably destroyed among … Read more

Showdown With Satanism in Oklahoma

Showdown With Satanism in Oklahoma

“God Yes!  Satan No!” “Reparation!  Reparation!  Reparation!” “Begone, Satan!  Begone, Satan!” The battlecries rang out in the evening heat. Hundreds of Catholics from around the country came to fight. They yielded the weapons of the prayers of the Church. And the angels descended in force. On August 15, 2016, the Feast of … Read more

Opposition Grows to “Church” of Lucifer Opening in Texas

Opposition Grows to “Church” of Lucifer Opening in Texas - TFP lion Statements

Opposition Grows to “Church” of Lucifer Opening in Texas Contact: Robert Ritchie TFP–America Needs Fatima 717-309-1990 SPRING GROVE, Penn., Oct. 21, 2015 — Concerned families from the city of Spring, Tex., are saying: “Proud Lucifer next to the Christmas Crib — NO thanks!” The cause of their alarm is the Greater Church … Read more

Defending the Honor of Our Lady In Dallas

Defending the Honor of Our Lady in Dallas American Flag

Periodically there are theatrical productions that reveal an utter disregard for the Church and the Blessed Mother and must be protested. One example was the blasphemous play, “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told,” which portrays Our Lady, who is the Immaculate Conception, as a lesbian. This play was showing from December 5-8 … Read more