Protest You-Tube Host Desecration


Consider taking three minutes to sign a petition to the popular video sharing site YouTube in protest to a sacrilegious video in which a sacred Host is deliberately crushed, burnt and stomped on. Perhaps the worst is desecrating the Eucharist by smoking Jesus’ body. It is followed by this statement: “Eucharist desecration. … Read more

New Satanic Video and How to Fight It

New Satanic Video and How to Fight It 1

Read with caution: THIS  MAY  DISTURB  YOU Satanic video promotes homosexual vice, casual sex and sadomasochism to young people! In response, please join the: 2010  PUBLIC  SQUARE  ROSARY  CRUSADE According to reports, singer Lady Gaga recently released a video clip for her newest pop hit Alejandro. The video exalts homosexuality, casual sex and sadomasochism, while violently attacking the military. Above … Read more

Legion: A Film that Mocks the Faith and Leads to Despair

Legion: A Film that Mocks the Faith and Leads to Despair 2

The movie’s central and bizarre theme is that God has lost faith in man and thus decides to exterminate humanity. To do this work of destruction, He sends angels armed with machine guns commanded by the Archangel Saint Gabriel. Everything Upside Down: Saint Michael the Rebel The film presents a complete inversion … Read more

Host Desecration Videos Back on YouTube

Host desecration videos originally pulled from YouTube have been reposted. The American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign is sickened by the reoccurrence of this blasphemy after collecting 18,201 signatures on a protest petition in just 7 days. The 40 separate desecration videos — originally posted in mid-August — showed the … Read more

Ask YouTube to Pull Host Desecration Videos

YouTube, the universally recognized forum for videos of all types, now has videos that make it a stage for acts of blasphemy. The American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign are protesting these videos showing desecration of hosts online. The videos in question involve an individual who has put up forty … Read more

Courageous Catholics Defeat Feminist Assault

The video above shows how on August 22 Argentina’s annual feminist Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres (National Gathering of Women) finished with a customary march throughout the city. However, when they planned their march to end at the city cathedral, they never guessed what would await them there.The gathering is held in a … Read more

Reparation in Cincinnati: “Our Lady Sent the Rain…”

On June 26, over 70 Catholics joined the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign in front of the New Stage Collective in Cincinnati to protest the blasphemous work, “Jerry Springer: The Opera in Concert.”It was not an ordinary protest. It began … Read more

Protest a Lewd Homosexual Blasphemy at Vienna’s Diocesan Museum

Your Online Protests Stop Sacrileges

An unimaginable blasphemy shown at the Diocesan Museum of Vienna, Dommuseum, just across the street from the city’s magnificent Saint Stephen’s Cathedral is raising the ire of Catholics around the world. The exhibit, titled: “Religion, Flesh and Power” included an explicit portrayal of Our Lord and the Apostles at the Last Supper … Read more

“Absolutely NO” to Jerry Springer Show

“Absolutely NO” to Jerry Springer Show 1

Despite rainy weather conditions, hundreds of outraged Catholics gathered in front of Carnegie Hall in Manhattan to pray and express their rejection over the blasphemous Jerry Springer: The Opera in Comedy. The peaceful protest was a response to the indecent show which attacks the honor and purity of Our Lord and the … Read more