University of Minnesota Set to Bash Catholicism

University of Minnesota Set to Bash Catholicism 1

The Department of Theater, Arts and Dance of the University of Minnesota is planning to stage a blasphemous play called The Pope and the Witch starting on March 1, 2007. According to The New York Times: “The witch, in nun’s habit, turns up as an aide to the doctor summoned to treat … Read more

Fighting Back at Halloween

Fighting Back at Halloween 2

It only takes a few determined people to make a difference. Concerned TFP supporters were both shocked and disgusted to hear of an obscene priest costume available at the store in the local mall where children of all ages pick out their Halloween costumes. They decided to do something about it. At … Read more

Student Newspaper Lampoons the Virgin Mary, TFP Protests

Student Newspaper Lampoons the Virgin Mary, TFP Protests 1

The Blessed Mother is grossly insulted by the University of Virginia’s student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, which printed a Nativity-like cartoon of Our Lady holding the Infant Jesus beside Saint Joseph on August 24. The figure depicting Saint Joseph says: “Mary…I don’t mean to ruin this special moment, but how did you … Read more

Defiling the Virgin Mary and the Pope

Defiling the Virgin Mary and the Pope 2

  It is not easy to stop blasphemy. Those who ridicule the Faith are relentless in their depictions. The Comedy Central show, “South Park” is one such offender. Its shows are constantly pushing beyond the limits of decency. Moreover, they find new ways of offending Catholics that often mix the obscene and … Read more

Remember Katrina! Protest Blasphemous Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Remember Katrina! Protest Blasphmous Mardi Gras in New Orleans 2

The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina is still overwhelmingly present in New Orleans today. Such an event should at least serve as a point of reflection not only about the city’s physical but also its moral devastation. With this in mind, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property … Read more

Rallies Take Sony to Task for The Da Vinci Code

Rallies Take Sony to Task for The Da Vinci Code 2

The intermittent rain did not seem to matter. Neither did the traffic. Catholics just kept arriving in front of Sony headquarters on Madison Avenue in New York City. In all, nearly 500 protesters braved everything to join the June 24 rally of reparation against The Da Vinci Code movie organized by the … Read more

Holy Hour Unites Thousands in Reparation

Holy Hour Unites Thousands in Reparation 1

After fighting blasphemy for four consecutive weekends outside theaters showing the Da Vinci Code film, American TFP members strove to make their protests bear fruit by attending a holy hour of Eucharistic adoration on June 18, from 5-6 P.M. at Prince of Peace Church in Steelton, Pennsylvania. TFP members joined more than … Read more

Rally of Reparation for Sony’s Da Vinci Code

Rally of Reparation for Sony’s Da Vinci Code

When Sony Pictures turned The Da Vinci Code book into a movie, Americans nationwide responded with acts of reparation and protest. Now, after over 2,000 protests in front of theaters, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are planning rallies of … Read more

Are Protests Against Blasphemy Effective? The Other Side Speaks

How to Stop Blasphemy – From the Mouths of Those who Promote It 2

“Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You’re just going to survive. Those are the facts. It’s not pretty, but those are the facts.” Such was the counsel of journalist Hollis Walker to museum directors and curators regarding protests against blasphemous art. Her … Read more

If Christ Is Not God, Our Salvation Is a Lie

In The Da Vinci Code, one finds the horrible affirmation advanced by one of its characters that Christ is not God but was deified by Constantine to advance a political agenda. This is supposedly “the greatest cover-up in history.” From the very beginning of the Church, there have always been those who … Read more