The Santa Fe Chill

The Santa Fe Chill

Contrary to what many artists claim, protesting against offensive art is never free publicity. Few things hurt the arts community more than when it produces works that lose touch with its supporting community. This is especially evident in the wave of artworks which many consider blasphemous. Nothing attacks the sensibilities of a … Read more

Protest Blasphemous “Chocolate Jesus!”

If a madman sprayed five tons of pepper jack cheese on a suburban home, covered the inside of a New York City hotel room with melted mozzarella cheese or draped 312 pounds of sliced ham on a beautiful four-poster bed, he might rightfully be taken back to the asylum. However, in today’s … Read more

It Is Blasphemy, But Certainly Not Art

Blasphemy is often excused by labeling it “art.” However, this sophism cannot be used to justify a low-budget comedy called The Ten, set to debut August 3. There is simply no way it can be considered as art or anything other than a cheap and perverse attack against God’s law. The film … Read more

The Da Vinci Code One Year Later

It seems like ages but it was barely a year ago when media hype was heralding The Da Vinci Code as the unstoppable and unforgettable film of 2006. Like the book that dominated The New York Times Best-Seller list for over two years, Sony’s Columbia Pictures had high hopes for the movie. … Read more

The “Jesus Family Tomb:” One More Gnostic Onslaught

It just does not stop. Following in the footsteps of The Da Vinci Code, the Gnostic offensive against Christianity is forging ahead with new pretexts, and, once again, with massive media coverage. The New Onslaught: Archeological Fiction This time, it is not a pseudo-historic novel,but a pseudo-scientific Discovery Channel documentary, titled: The … Read more

TFP: Mardis Gras Celebration No Excuse for Blasphemy

A rally of reparation and protest will be held in front of the New Orleans’ City Hall on Saturday, February 3. The peaceful protest is in response to blasphemous and indecent floats where the honor and purity of Jesus and Mary were attacked in the 2005 Mardi Gras parade in the French … Read more

Catholics to French Quarter Mardi Gras: Keep Blasphemy Out!

Catholics to French Quarter Mardi Gras 3

Three hundred Catholics gathered in front of New Orleans City Hall to pray and express their outrage for the blasphemous anti-Catholic floats in the French Quarter Mardi Gras promoted by the Krewe du Vieux parade organizers. The peaceful protest specifically responded to attacks on the honor and purity of the Sacred Heart … Read more

University of Minnesota Set to Bash Catholicism

University of Minnesota Set to Bash Catholicism 1

The Department of Theater, Arts and Dance of the University of Minnesota is planning to stage a blasphemous play called The Pope and the Witch starting on March 1, 2007. According to The New York Times: “The witch, in nun’s habit, turns up as an aide to the doctor summoned to treat … Read more

Fighting Back at Halloween

Fighting Back at Halloween 2

It only takes a few determined people to make a difference. Concerned TFP supporters were both shocked and disgusted to hear of an obscene priest costume available at the store in the local mall where children of all ages pick out their Halloween costumes. They decided to do something about it. At … Read more

Student Newspaper Lampoons the Virgin Mary, TFP Protests

Student Newspaper Lampoons the Virgin Mary, TFP Protests 1

The Blessed Mother is grossly insulted by the University of Virginia’s student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, which printed a Nativity-like cartoon of Our Lady holding the Infant Jesus beside Saint Joseph on August 24. The figure depicting Saint Joseph says: “Mary…I don’t mean to ruin this special moment, but how did you … Read more