“Tear it down! Tear it down!” a frenzied mob of over 200 protestors chanted as they danced around a statue of Saint Junipero Serra in Ventura, California, on June 6.1 Fortunately, the statue was not toppled, but brave Catholics rally around it praying the rosary and preventing disaster.
Toppling Statues: A New “Normal”
The rash of statue toppling represents something deeper than the targeted figures. It represents a rejection of law. The rise and fall of a civilization can be charted by its acceptance or rejection of natural law and the rule of law. With the CHAZ/CHOP debacle in Seattle, one thing became clear: A sector of the American public vehemently rejects natural law and anything built upon its principles. It especially targets the Catholic heritage of the United States.
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With the horrific death of George Floyd on May 25, protests against systemic racism broke out around the United States. Within a remarkably short time, the protests ignited into violent riots that began targeting symbols. At first, statues of Confederate generals were considered prime targets, but the mob didn’t stop there. Monuments of Catholic heroes and saints that protesters falsely claim represented white colonial racism were the next targets.
From San Francisco to Baltimore: “Tear Them Down!”
The desecration and toppling of monuments to Catholic heroes and saints shocked many Catholics nationwide.
On June 10, left-wing agitators and members of the American Indian Movement(AIM) gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota to pull down a statue of Christopher Columbus, the great Catholic explorer and discoverer of America.2
On June 19, protestors sacrilegiously tore down a huge statue of Saint Junipero Serra in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.3
TFP Rally of Reparation in San Francisco for Attack on Saint Junipero Serra
Two weeks later on the 4th of July, an angry mob gathered in Baltimore to rip down a statue of Christopher Columbus and throw it into the Inner Harbor.4
These incidents are a few of the sacrilegious and vile repudiations of America’s glorious Catholic heritage.
What Is the Real Issue: BLM or Christian Civilization?
While many radical leftist agitators would like American public opinion to think that these incidents are a reaction to what they call systemic racism in America, the real issue is the destruction of everything representing the Catholic Church and civilization in this country.
The great Catholic explorers and saints of America are hated and rejected because they brought the Gospel to the natives and freed them from barbarism. For the radical left, this is slavery because it opposes lifestyles of vice and promotes virtues that are too “restrictive.”
Learn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times
Enough Is Enough!
Catholic heroes, like Saint Junipero Serra and Christopher Columbus, dedicated their lives to bringing Christian civilization and culture to the Native Americans. Their efforts are considered racist, and their statues are not the only ones endangered.
Some people call for the removal of stain glass windows and statues depicting Our Lord and Our Lady as white. People like activist Shaun King say that churches are next. In a Twitter rant, King declared: “Yes. / All murals and stained-glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. / They are a gross form of white supremacy. / Created as tools of oppression. / Racist propaganda. / They should all come down.”5
Sign Here to Save Our Beloved Statue of Saint Louis
Enough is enough! It’s time for all faithful Catholics to take a stand in public, whether that means praying the rosary around a statue of a saint to prevent it from being torn down as in Ventura, or something as simple as signing an online petition to save a monument to a Catholic hero. Now is the time to act.
“Defend the Statue with Honor, Faith and Courage”
Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, descendant of King Saint Louis IX
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
America appears to face its greatest crisis in recent history, so is there any hope?
America was born in a crisis. From the start right up to the present moment, America’s history has been shaped by its crises.
The present crisis will define America’s future. The future seems very dark. However, the promise of victory comes from none other than the Queen of Heaven.
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The ardent devotee of Our Lady, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, commented on what this victory would be like, after the great chastisement which Our Lady foretold at Fatima: “The stiff neck of contemporary humanity having thus been broken through a whole sequence of calamities, a conversion of souls will take place on a large scale. And that conversion will be specifically a victory of the Most Pure Heart of the Mother of God: ‘At last, my Immaculate Heart will triumph…’ It will be the reign of Mary upon men.”6
- https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-youths-heroically-stop-california-mob-from-tearing-down-saints-statue
- https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/minnesota-catholic-conference-vandalized-christopher-columbus-statue-should-be-restored
- https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2020/06/20/st-junipero-serra-statue-torn-down-in-san-francisco-park/
- https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/05/us/baltimore-protests-christopher-columbus-statue-trnd/index.html
- https://churchpop.com/2020/06/23/blm-activist-calls-for-destruction-of-jesus-mary-statues-priest-exorcist-respond/
- https://www.pliniocorreadeoliveira.info/UK_6705_Fatima_overview.htm#.Xwc3xihKhPY