Shedding its family-oriented image, Wal-Mart has recently made two corporate decisions that raised the ire of conservatives nationwide.
The first decision was to join the world’s largest homosexual business development and economic advocacy group: the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), a leading promoter of homosexual “marriage.”1
Upon joining, Wal-Mart gave NGLCC $25,000 and offered to sponsor two conferences. Future collaboration will include giving preferential treatment to companies owned by homosexuals.
Opponents are irritated by the move. “The whole thing is a farce,” said America Needs Fatima director Robert Ritchie. “It is yet another example of the homosexual lobby claiming to favor equal rights, and then working to install homosexuals in a privileged place in society.”
Wal-Mart’s corporate leadership claims the move was intended to create a more open and inclusive environment. Company spokesman Bob McAdam explained: “We are a large company now, and in this competitive environment we have to be welcoming to everyone.”2
However, TFP Webmaster John Horvat challenged Mr. McAdam’s claim: “I don’t see how Wal-Mart can claim that supporting homosexual activism will make the store more welcoming to everyone. In reality, the move favors a radical minority and alienates the family-friendly clientele that made Wal-Mart what it is today.”
Adding insult to injury, Wal-Mart’s Chinese outlet in Shenyang recently set up a Communist Party, Communist Youth League branch and trade union. Since then, at least sixteen other Chinese Wal-Mart stores have formed unions.3
This is particularly surprising, since the retailer adamantly opposes labor unions anywhere else in the world. Even worse, since China’s labor unions are not independent, must be authorized by the Communist government and are traditionally allied with company management,4 the move will likely mean more stringent control over Wal-Mart’s Chinese employees.
Indignant over these two decisions, the American TFP web site has launched an e-protest campaign against the retail giant. “It is irritating that Wal-Mart is claiming to welcome everyone, yet simultaneously offending the values of America’s majority,” said Mr. Horvat. “That is why it is important that we all let Wal-Mart know that this move is not popular with its shoppers.”