Campaign against Brooklyn Art Museum

Campaign against Brooklyn Art Museum
Campaign against Brooklyn Art Museum

For the second time in recent years, the Brooklyn Museum of Art is at the center of controversy as Catholics protest against portrayals considered blasphemous. In response, the American TFP and its affiliate campaign America Needs Fatima announced today the launching of a massive grassroots campaign of peaceful protest and reparation.

According to press reports, two blasphemous portrayals of Jesus Christ are now on exhibit at The Brooklyn Museum of Art – a photo of a nude woman standing in Jesus’ place at the Last Supper and another of a topless woman on a cross. The special exhibit is showing until April 29 (Daily News Express, 2/15/01; Reuters, 2/15/01).

“Our successful campaigns against the play Corpus Christi and the movie Dogma showed the entertainment establishment that Catholic will stand up and peacefully yet loudly raise their voices against blasphemy,” says campaign director Robert E. Ritchie. “We hope to send the same message to the Brooklyn Museum.”

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The grassroots campaign launched today will begin with e-mail protests to The Brooklyn Museum of Art. E-mails of encouragement will also be sent to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to thank him for working to establish decency standards for museums receiving public money.

Similar messages will be sent later through printed protest fliers that will be passed out nationwide. Mr. Ritchie expects to send out hundreds of thousands of these highly effective handouts over the next few weeks.

“If it is anything like our campaign against the film Dogma, we will be seeing these flyers popping up all over the country,” Mr. Ritchie added.


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