Cardinal Burke: The Darkness of the Olympic Blasphemy Turns Paris into a “Theater of Satan”

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Cardinal Burke: The Darkness of the Olympic Blasphemy Turns Paris into a “Theater of Satan”
Cardinal Burke: The Darkness of the Olympic Blasphemy Turns Paris into a “Theater of Satan”

On July 26, 2024, a massive – and now infamous – public blasphemy took place in Paris at the opening of the 2024 Summer Olympics. The program featured an indecent parody of Our Lord’s Last Supper.

Five days later, Raymond Cardinal Burke celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of the dedication of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Cardinal chose that moment to make a meaningful statement about the Paris blasphemy. A passage of his homily follows:

“Today, beset with the darkness and sin which is ever more given place in the world and even in the Church, we come to Our Lord through His Virgin Mother.

“On this past Friday, we witnessed an unbelievable manifestation of the darkness and sin in our world: the abominable mockery of the Holy Eucharist at its Institution for the opening of the Summer Olympics in Paris.

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“It is difficult to imagine anything more debased and blasphemous. That such an act could take place shows us, in a most painful way, how what was once a Christian culture has become the theater of Satan and those who cooperate with his thoroughly evil plans, the plans of ‘a murderer from the beginning’ who ‘has nothing to do with the truth,’ the plans of ‘a liar and the father of lies.’

“Our disgust and anger about what happened at the Summer Olympics awakens anew our consciousness of so many other manifestations of the open rebellion against God and His plan for our salvation in the world in which we live: attacks on human life and its cradle in the family created by the marriage of a man and a woman, and attacks on religion itself and its free exercise.

“In the Church, too, we witness the deliberate spread of confusion and error regarding the truths of our faith, the secularization of the Sacred Liturgy, and the lack of respect for the irreplaceable foundation of charity in the respect for justice and the rule of law.”

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The Cardinal’s words stand out as a point of light amid the darkness. He puts the horrific event in perspective of the real fight between those of God and Our Lady and the followers of Satan.

Thank you, Cardinal Burke, for helping the world to see the desecration in Paris in its proper light.

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