Napoleon III’s Lack of Political and Religious Principles Plant the Seeds of His Downfall

Napoleon III’s Lack of Political and Religious Principles Plant the Seeds of His Downfall

The assassination of Paris Archbishop Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour in 1857 and the failure of the pamphlet, L’Univers jugé par lui-même completely changed the nature of the offensive against Veuillot and his newspaper, l’Univers. Its enemies understood that doctrinal disputes would not achieve their goals. For his part, the new Cardinal Archbishop, François-Nicholas-Madeleine Morlot, … Read more

The Liberal Attack on L’Univers Backfires to the Disadvantage of French Catholic Liberals

The Liberal Attack on L’Univers Backfires to the Disadvantage of French Catholic Liberals

In the continuing nineteenth-century battle between liberals and Ultramontanes, Abbé André Sisson’s article in L’Ami de la réligion attempted to shift the burden of proving the errors in the pamphlet, L’Univers Jugé Par Lui-Mème to Louis Veuillot’s shoulders. To deflect the article’s effects, Veuillot sent Abbé Joseph Cognat, the editor of L’Ami … Read more

A Lawsuit Backs France’s Liberal Catholics into a Corner

A Lawsuit Backs France’s Liberal Catholics into a Corner

The existence of a conspiracy against the Ultramontane editor, Louis Veuillot, and his newspaper l’Univers became increasingly evident during the early 1850s. An important factor was the publication of Alfred, the Count de Falloux’s book, The Catholic Party—What it Was and What it Has Become. Perhaps even more apparent was the promotion … Read more

How Handel’s Messiah Helps Us Fight the “Cult of Ugliness”

How Handel’s Messiah Helps Us Fight the “Cult of Ugliness”

Today’s modern culture presents so many things that are as ugly as sin, whether it be architecture, dress, music, culture, morals or other fields. This “cult of ugliness” targets God directly, who is beauty itself.   Everything beautiful in the world reflects an aspect of God, and everything ugly displays an aspect … Read more

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

The left faces a new challenge that is leaving its activists troubled. Over the past few years, many high-profile leftist figures, writers and politicians have turned right. They defected to the other side, and embarrassed leftists don’t know what to do about it. In an op-ed in The New York Times, columnist … Read more

Veuillot Explains the Role of a Catholic Newspaper—“Let us be There Wherever the Passion of Christ is Renewed.”

Veuillot Explains the Role of a Catholic Newspaper

The political philosopher Joseph de Maistre was in a prime position to observe those who presided over the Restoration of the French Monarchy in 1814 and 1815. He coined a famous phrase that aptly summarized the Bourbons’ policy upon their return to the throne of France. “Everything has been reestablished, nothing restored.” … Read more

The Story of the Christmas Tree and Why Catholics Decorate Them

The Story of the Christmas Tree and Why Catholics Decorate Them

In the seventh century a monk from Crediton, Devonshire, went to Germany to teach the word of God. His name was Saint Boniface. He did many good works there and spent much time in Thuringia, a region later to become the center of the Christmas decoration industry. Tradition has it that Saint … Read more