Four Strategies Satan Uses Against Christian Order

Four Strategies Satan Uses Against Christian Order 3

A Christian order presupposes that we believe in Christ and His law. As a result, Christians organize all society in function of this law, and from this comes order and peace. A Christian society also presupposes a fight against evil and all those threats that attack the good order of society. When … Read more

A Confused, Upside Down “Synodal Church”

A Confused, Upside Down “Synodal Church” 1

“A Facile Repetition of What Is Obvious or Has Already Been Said” After the most disparate news about the 2015 Synod on the Family, the event ended with an ambiguous document which allows an interpretation contradictory to Catholic doctrine, opening the doors for Communion for the divorced and civilly “remarried” (in fact, … Read more

Terrorism in Paris: Satanic Islamic Hatred and Apostate Christian Satanic Worship

Terrorism in Paris: Satanic Islamic Hatred and Apostate Christian Satanic Worship 5

On Friday, November 13th, Islamic terrorists carried out a concerted attack at several places in Paris with automatic rifles and suicide bombers leaving 130 dead and 368 injured, many seriously. The self-proclaimed Islamic State organization (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack. Satanic Nature of the Paris Show Among the various places … Read more

Don’t Treat Wolves Like Lost Sheep

Don’t Treat Wolves Like Lost Sheep

The doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ is full of seemingly antagonistic truths which nevertheless when examined closely, far from mutually denying one another actually complement one another, forming a truly marvelous harmony. This is the case, for example, with the seeming contradiction between Divine justice and goodness. God is at the … Read more

Communiqué: The American TFP Endorses Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s Solid and Courageous Statement on the Synod

Communiqué American TFP Endorses Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s Solid and Courageous Statement on the Synod

Communiqué: The American TFP Endorses Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s Solid and Courageous Statement on the Synod Based on solid arguments, Bishop Athanasius Schneider has issued a timely statement on the Synod of Bishops’ Final Report in which he comments on items 84 to 86. Grounded in perennial Catholic teaching, his considerations are a … Read more

The Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne

The Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne 3

Alphonse Ratisbonne was a young Jew from a family of well-established bankers in Strasbourg, France. He also was socially prominent due to his wealth and blood-ties to the Rothschild. In 1827, Alphonse’s older brother, Thèodore, converted to Catholicism and entered the priesthood, thus breaking with his family whose hopes now lay in … Read more

Saint John Bosco: Overcoming All Obstacles

Saint John Bosco: Overcoming All Obstacles

This is a photo of the great Saint John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Congregation. Note his eminently priestly expression, but that of a man of the people. No one would imagine that he was born from a high social class. He is a peasant who became a priest, and that was … Read more