Prelates Speak Out In Video About Synod

Prelates Speak Out In Video About Synod

The Polish language magazine, Polonia Christiana has just released an explosive documentary about the upcoming Extraordinary Synod on the Family in Rome on October 4-25. Titled “Crisis: Where Will the Synod Lead Us?”, the film focuses on the extent of the crisis in the Church in face of the synod. It features … Read more

The Archbishop of Mexico Responds to the Demands of a ‘Transsexual’

The Archbishop of Mexico Responds to the Demands of a ‘Transsexual’

The Cardinal recalled that the catechism points out that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered acts, contrary to natural law and do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Therefore, under no circumstances can they be approved.” The Archbishop Primate of Mexico, Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera has responded to a transsexual’s … Read more

What Napoleon Thought About Holy Communion

What Napoleon Thought About Holy Communion 2

In an age of instant gratification, we are encouraged to forget about the most important things in our lives. Our rushed and hectic schedules demand our attention. We must have everything now, instantly, regardless of the consequences. It must be the latest and greatest, the biggest and the best version; it must … Read more

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 4

Dr. Beisner is a scholar specializing in the application of Christian worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship, and public policy. As a professor he has taught theology, apologetics, ethics, church history, economics, and other disciplines. He has written four books on population, resources, economics, and the environment; eight other … Read more

405,000 Send Filial Appeal to the Pope

405,000 Send Filial Appeal to the Pope

405,000 people, including 104 prelates — cardinals, archbishops and bishops — have so far signed the “Filial Petition” to His Holiness Pope Francis asking for “a word of clarification” as the “only way to overcome the growing confusion among the faithful” in matters of marriage and homosexual unions. For the signatories, an … Read more

Impressions of the Shroud of Turin

Impressions of the Shroud of Turin

  Commenting on the Holy Shroud at a lecture on March 10, 1973, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira said the sacred cloth is a reflection of the soul of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Here are a few excerpts from that talk: “Though dead, one notices in Him a curious thing: He was only … Read more