Why We Need Beauty in Our Lives

Why We Need Beauty in Our Lives

God created beauty for the life of the soul. It has no corporal usefulness. It does not satisfy hunger, shelter us from a storm or provide warmth. For the life of the body, it is perfectly useless. However, beauty is more useful than food, shelter and warmth. This is because beauty is … Read more

If Hell Did Not Exist, the Earth Would Become Hell

We live at a time of theoretical and practical atheism that alternates with a sugary and sentimental religiosity. At times they merge. Both atheism and sentimental religiosity contribute to the fall of morality and the rise of chaos in society. For atheists, God does not exist. For religious sentimentalists, He does not … Read more

Voice of the Family’s Statement on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Voice of the Family's Statement on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 2

ROME, 18th June 2015 The international coalition Voice of the Family is deeply concerned by the omission from the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ of a reaffirmation of the Church’s teaching against contraception and on procreation as the primary end of the sexual act. The encyclical, published this morning, contains the welcome assertions that “concern for the protection … Read more

Stop Assisted Suicide—The Life You Save May Be Your Own

Stop Assisted Suicide—The Life You Save May Be Your Own

As reported in the Daily Mail, a Dutch judge ordered the killing of an 80-year-old woman with dementia, after her doctors insisted she was not capable of such a decision. The woman’s family asserted she had a ‘death wish’ and wanted to die. The day after this decision was handed down, the … Read more

Ireland: A Referendum for Christ or Against Him

Ireland: A Referendum for Christ or Against Him

“How many are they who live in union with the Church during this moment that is tragic as the Passion was tragic, this crucial moment of history when all mankind is choosing to be for Christ or against Christ?” Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira asked in his celebrated Via Sacra back in … Read more

The Story of a Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Priest Under Communist Persecution

The Story of a Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Priest Under Communist Persecution 1

In an interview with Catholic Radio and Television Network, Most Rev. Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych (Ukraine), Primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, made revealing confidences on how his priestly training took place under Soviet socialism, the Zenit news agency reported. The Ukrainian Catholic rite is the Catholic Church’s largest … Read more

Francis, the Nuncio, and the Tyrant

Francis, the Nuncio, and the Tyrant

In one of the most significant symbolic moves of Vatican Ostpolitik favoring Cuban communism, Pope Francis received tyrant Raul Castro in an ambience of mutual smiles and cordiality, shaking his blood-stained hands and asking the communist chieftain for prayers. This is a chilling and appalling scene before God and history, and one … Read more

The Impact of Religion on Education

Education and religion are often seen to be incompatible. There is an underlying notion inside the liberal education establishment that religious belief is backwards and contrary to enlightenment. Schools have long been viewed as gateways to a glorious secular and technological future, free of religious superstition. After all, the purpose of education … Read more