God’s Mercy “On Those Who Fear Him”

God’s Mercy “On Those Who Fear Him” 4

The ceremonies of Holy Week, in which we remember the sorrowful Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious Resurrection, lead us to meditate on the seriousness of sin and on the infinite justice of God, as well as on His infinite mercy. Reparation to God’s Offended Justice Indeed, … Read more

Death Penalty: Avoiding Ambiguity in Doctrinal Matters

 In a strange coalition, conservative and liberal Catholic publications made an appeal to Catholics: “We, the editors of four Catholic journals — America, National Catholic Register, National Catholic Reporter and Our Sunday Visitor — urge the readers of our diverse publications and the whole U.S. Catholic community and all people of faith … Read more

“Sex Change”: Biological Impossibility and Revolt Against God

“Sex Change”: Biological Impossibility and Revolt Against God 2

To its “LGB” acronym the homosexual movement added the “T” for “transsexual” or “transgender” in a kind of “common front” of all anomalies in sexual behavior. Unsurprisingly, the acronym keeps increasing. For example “LGBTTQQIAAP” (Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, Pansexual). The inclusion of so-called “transsexualism” or “transgenderism” in the homosexual campaign … Read more

Filial Petition to Pope Francis

Filial Petition to Pope Francis

Dissident Catholic pressure groups, aided by the liberal media, are feverishly working to dismantle vital Church teaching on marriage and family at the next Synod on the Family in Rome. In fact, they are bombarding the Holy Father and the Synod Fathers right now with messages of revolt against traditional moral values … Read more

Almansa: A Castle of Dreams and Christian Heroism

How do you analyze a photograph? By looking at it and drawing a first impression; then, by trying to see what sentiment it causes and then analyzing the reason for this feeling. Observing this photo of the Almansa Castle in Spain, we must make a distinction between two wonderfully harmonic but clearly … Read more