The Middle Ages: An Explosion of Freedom, Creativity and Progress

The Middle Ages: An Explosion of Freedom, Creativity and Progress

The Middle Ages, inappropriately called “Dark Ages,” was one of the times of greatest technological development, artistic and institutional creativity in history. This is the opinion of Prof. João Luís César das Neves, President of the Scientific Council and Professor of Economy and Business at the Faculty of Business and Economics of … Read more

The Tree of Christ

After the Nativity scene, the Christmas tree is the most significant symbol of the Christmas season – especially in times past, when the commercial aspect of Christmas was not as aggressive. The inventor of the Christmas tree was Saint Boniface, the apostle and evangelist of Germany. In 723 Saint Boniface felled an … Read more

Obama-Francis: Rescuing the Cuban People or Their Dictatorship

Obama-Francis: Rescuing the Cuban People or Their Dictatorship

The question about this papal mediation is whether the peace pipe to be smoked between Obama and the Castro brothers, with a sui generis blend of Vatican incense and Castro snuff, will serve to rescue the Cuban people or rather their communist dictatorship. On Wednesday, December 17, 2014, media around the world … Read more

If Cardinal O’Malley Founded a Church…

A story has it that when Napoleon Bonaparte was at the height of his glory, a courtier proposed that he founded a church. The Emperor of the French is said to have answered, with a lot of common sense: “After Jesus Christ, in order to found a Church you need to carry … Read more

Unusual Meeting at the Vatican: Communism: A Friend of the Poor?

It is not uncommon to hear that communism was “a good idea poorly implemented.” In spite of its actual experiences – all ending with catastrophic results – the idea that communism contains a “positive core” and is “friendly to the poor” reemerged at the World Meeting of Popular Movements organized at the … Read more

Iraqi Catholics: “We’d Rather Die Than Convert to Islam”

“It is better to die than to pervert ourselves,” Iraqi Catholics fleeing from Islamist terrorists bravely told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera. Despite idyllic beliefs and ecumenical illusions, radical Islamists who embrace Allah’s supposedly “peaceful religion” are brutally slaughtering not only Christians but also Muslims not deemed sufficiently faithful. Catholics, however, … Read more

Defending the Seal of Confession: The American TFP Sounds the Alarm

Washington, DC– On September 25, 2014, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) filed an Amicus Curiae Brief with the United States Supreme Court supporting the petitioners in Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Baton Rouge vs. Mayeux, a case that concerns the Seal of Confession … Read more

No Homosexual Group Belongs in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade

“Will Everything Come to the Same End as Sodom and Gomorrah?” Saint Patrick (387-461) is undoubtedly one of the Church’s greatest and most popular saints. The apostle of Ireland is known for his zeal, countless miracles, and spectacular conversions. He is venerated not only on the Emerald Isle, of which he is … Read more