Why Must They Put Warnings on Each Cigarette?

Why Must They Put Warnings on Each Cigarette?

Sometimes small items represent things with bigger meanings. Hidden behind appearances are philosophies of life that it does well to analyze. Such is the case of a recent news article on smoking. Canada announced last May that it would become the world’s first nation to require health warnings to be printed—on each … Read more

Remembering the Early Days of the American TFP

The history of an institution often resembles that of a building. We can find analogies between the creation and growth of both. The history of a Catholic-inspired institution more precisely resembles the building of a cathedral. Every truly Catholic institution bears traces of the moral profile of Holy Mother Church from which … Read more

Can Godless Leaders Represent the Godly?

Can Godless Leaders Represent the Godly?

Recent elections in Holland, Sweden, Italy and Argentina have given victories to a new type of conservative leader based on a faulty premise. Some Christians hold the only way to fight against godless and immoral times is with godless leaders who practice no established religion and follow no set rules. Only these … Read more

Why Liberals Love Religion Without Consequences

Why Liberals Love Religion Without Consequences

We live in times of inconsequential religion. That means most people do not believe God acts in the real world. If He does act, it is considered a personal, somewhat subjective matter. Impacting major world events are believed to be outside God’s sphere of activity. Likewise, inconsequential religion holds that what we … Read more

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Many people wonder why Pope Francis focuses so much on climate change. Indeed, two papal documents concentrate exclusively on the matter. The latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, bitterly complains about how the People of God have not heeded earlier warnings. The pope’s trip to Dubai’s COP28 eco-conference only highlights this dire gospel … Read more

Bishop Dupanloup Uses His Appointment to the French Academy to Plot Anew Against the Ultramontanes

Bishop Dupanloup Uses His Appointment to the French Academy to Plot Anew Against the Ultramontanes

Before Pope Pius IX’s encyclical Inter multiplices, liberal Catholics and Gallicans promoted disputes in hopes of eliminating Louis Veuillot and his newspaper, l’Univers. However, the encyclical dashed Veuillot’s enemies’ hopes of crushing him in the name of the Church. The Holy See’s clear and unequivocal approval of the newspaper’s guidelines appeared to … Read more

Interview: Does the Synod Concluding Document Contain a ‘Blueprint’ for a New Church?

Julio Loredo de Izcue, TFP member and co-author of the book titled The Synodal Process Is A Pandora’s Box, assesses the post-Synod Synthesis Report in an interview with LifeSiteNews Rome correspondent Michael Haynes. (An online and downloadable copy of the book can be found in the links provided, and print copies can be ordered here) The TFP … Read more