Cardinal Dolan and Toppling the ‘Barriers of Horror’

“Good for him. … So I would say, ‘Bravo!’” That was Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s reaction when asked about NFL hopeful Michael Sam’s recent decision to come out publicly as a homosexual. Cardinal Dolan’s words were the success of a very well studied and carefully prepared maneuver intended to generate impact on public … Read more

Can Someone in Mortal Sin Receive Communion?

Can Someone in Mortal Sin Receive Communion? 2

The question seems absurd as any child preparing for First Communion knows the answer: “No! To receive Holy Communion one must be in the state of grace.” The Sin of Adulterous Concubinage The same 7-year old knows that a serious fault against any of the Ten Commandments (for example, adultery or concubinage) … Read more

Quo Vadis, Domine? Reverent and Filial Message to His Holiness Pope Francis from Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza

Quo Vadis, Domine? Reverent and Filial Message to His Holiness Pope Francis from Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza 6

Activists from Latin American movements that obstinately and violently subvert private property are invited to hold meetings with important organizations of the Holy See; one of them is received by the Pontiff Note to the reader… Activists from movements that obstinately and violently subvert private property were recently invited to attend meetings … Read more

Chinese Block Access to Shrine of Our Lady

As happens every year, Chinese police surrounded the village of Donglu, made famous among Catholics by an apparition of Our Lady in the early twentieth century, the official newspaper South China Morning Post reported. Police prevented pilgrims from joining with city residents for the celebration in honor of Our Lady. The forces … Read more

March for Life 2014: Ending Abortion Through Heroic Purity

March for Life 2014: Ending Abortion Through Heroic Purity 1

Thousands upon thousands gathered at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on January 22, 2014 for the annual March for Life, marking 41 years since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion in America. Despite a heavy snowstorm which blanketed the nation’s capital the day before, enthusiastic marchers were undeterred … Read more

Opportune Clarifications on Islam

“To tell the truth, Jesus is not an object of veneration in the Muslim tradition[…] in the Koran, Jesus is a great prophet, famous for his miracles on behalf of a poor and sick humanity, but he is not the equal of Muhammad.” So says one of the most outstanding Catholic scholars … Read more

Christmas Outside the Box

As I was reading an article on an online news site, I chanced upon an advertisement for a beautiful Christmas tree. Indeed, it was an actual Christmas tree, not a holiday, winter or sparkle tree that celebrates some unknown winter solstice festivity. This letter unapologetically used the word Christmas and the tree … Read more

Yes, Virginia, There Is a God

It is has become a custom for practically every newspaper in America to reprint, during the Christmas season, the marvelous editorial, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” Since it first appeared in 1897, it has become an indelible part of Christmas tradition in our country. It is no secret why. Virginia’s … Read more

Trappist Monks Make the World’s Best Beer

Trappist Monks Make the World’s Best Beer

For many years, Westvleteren XII beer, produced at the Abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren (Belgium) has been chosen as the world’s best by thousands of experts. This year it was voted the “Best Beer in the World.” As a result of the beer’s popularity, demand for this beer has skyrocketed while supply has … Read more