The Approval of Same-sex “Marriage” in Illinois and Pope Francis’s Statements

“After months of false starts, the Illinois House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to legalize same-sex marriage, and reports suggest that Pope Francis’s recent comments about homosexuality may have played a small but significant role.” This is how Fabien Tepper begins her report in The Christian Science Monitor of November 6, 2013 … Read more

In Times of Extreme Confusion “Stand Fast; and Hold the Traditions Which You Have Learned.”

In Times of Extreme Confusion “Stand Fast; and Hold the Traditions Which You Have Learned.” 1

On September 19, the Jesuits’ America Magazine published the interview that Pope Francis granted Civiltà Cattolica, an Italian publication controlled by the same religious order. The interview was published simultaneously in other magazines of the Society of Jesus and widely disseminated and commented on by the international media. The interview’s impact on … Read more

Priestly Celibacy, a Tradition of Apostolic Origin

Priestly Celibacy a Tradition of Apostolic Origins

Not infrequently some ecclesiastic raises the question of priestly celibacy implying that it can be discussed because it is not a dogma of the faith. The secular media immediately take such statements and scatter them to the four winds, implying that the Church is about to abandon the discipline of celibacy. The … Read more

“Rehabilitation” of Liberation Theology?

“Rehabilitation” of Liberation Theology? 6

“Not only is participating in class struggle not opposed to universal love, but today, this commitment is the necessary and inescapable means of making this love concrete, as this participation is what leads to a classless society, a society without owners and dispossessed, without oppressors and oppressed.”This statement is not found in … Read more

Loving Hand of Divine Providence

Loving Hand of Divine Providence 4

It is not uncommon for people, beset by problems that appear to have no human solution, to beseech God for help. Those who do so often perceive His loving hand providing for their needs. This is where the concept of Divine Providence comes from. This is but one example of the contrast … Read more

24 Quotes About Purity That Every Young (& Old) Catholic Should Know

24 Quotes About Purity That Every Young (& Old) Catholic Should Know

Impurity is plastered everywhere today: Movies, TV, billboards, music, entertainment, books, and magazines. We must fight back. To that end the following collection of quotes — many of which are authored by Doctors of the Church — will provide you with the support and encouragement you need to stand your ground and … Read more

Balance and Harmony Between Riches and Poverty

Balance and Harmony Between Riches and Poverty 2

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Pauperist Heresies Heresies requiring material poverty for eternal salvation have sprung up since the dawn of Christianity. Here we refer more particularly to medieval miserabilists. Under the influence of the Cathars or Albigensians, who adopted the Manichean principle that … Read more

Can a Catholic Recognize the “Rights of Gay Couples”?

Can a Catholic Recognize the “Rights of Gay Couples”? 2

Even in the Catholic world, a dangerous conviction is making inroads in the sense that legal recognition of homosexual unions would be the only way to counter the advance of “gay marriage.” “No to gay marriage, yes to recognition of the rights of de factocouples and homosexuals,” is the watchword spread by … Read more

A Cardinal Gives Holy Communion to Mr. Lust

By their power of attraction, the seven vices or deadly sins are as it were, the sources from which almost all other sins spring. Lust is undoubtedly the most common and overwhelming of these deadly sins, particularly in our hyper-sexualized society. Mr. Luxuria (Lust) goes to Mass Hence, by adopting ‘Luxuria” (‘Lust’ … Read more