“Have Confidence, I Have Overcome the World”

“Have Confidence, I Have Overcome the World” 2

An abyss separates the world (understood here not in its cosmological but moral sense) from the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. The world neither accepts being guided by, nor comprehends the Light that came to illuminate it. The world does not live for God or for life eternal, but for … Read more

The Marvelous World of Our Lady’s Flowers

The Marvelous World of Our Lady’s Flowers

While modern men look for happiness in instant gratification, there was once a time in Christendom when men believed happiness came from a true understanding of the order of the universe. They saw the universe as a great lesson book which, through symbols, one could come to know, love and serve God. … Read more

Heaven, the Hope of Our Souls

Heaven, the Hope of Our Souls 1

Hope is deserting the earth more and more… Everything is complicated; life grows more difficult and heavy, with an increasingly somber economic outlook. “But our citizenship is in heaven,” Saint Paul reminds us (Philippians 3:20). And Saint Peter, Prince of the apostles, exhorts us to hope for our heavenly inheritance: “an inheritance … Read more

Saint Louis IX in the Exercise of Justice

Saint Louis IX in the Exercise of Justice 2

The following stories are taken from the memoirs of the Lord of Joinville, a noble from Champagne, who became a counsellor and confidant of King Saint Louis IX. He tells how Saint Louis would exercise justice in the suits brought before him, at times even defending his people to the very court officer … Read more

St. Martin of Tours – Patron of Veterans and Soldiers

St. Martin of Tours – Patron of Veterans and Soldiers 2

St. Martin of Tours was a bishop, born at Sabaria, Germany about 316 and died at Candes, Touraine, most probably in 397. He was moved to Pavia in Italy in his early years when his father, a military tribune, was transferred. Martin accompanied him and when he reached adolescence, he was enrolled … Read more

“Arab Spring” or Islamist Expansionism?

“Arab Spring” or Islamist Expansionism? 2

Fr. Samir Khalil Samir is a renowned Egyptian Jesuit expert in the Islamic world. He recently made an analysis of the “Arab Spring” and its evolution as well as the confusing and dangerous situation in Syria. Given its interest, we summarize some of his remarks below. Egypt: From one Dictatorship to Another The … Read more