Our Lady of Guadalupe: She Who Smashes the Serpent

Our Lady of Guadalupe: She Who Smashes the Serpent 10

  Pope Pius XII gave Our Lady of Guadalupe the title of “Empress of the Americas” in 1945. Since December 12 is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, this is a propitious moment to recall how she reigns over our nation from Heaven, protecting and guiding us with motherly solicitude and … Read more

General Lee’s One Rule for Students: “Be a Gentleman”

General Lee’s One Rule for Students: “Be a Gentleman” 1

A new student once asked President Lee for a copy of the rules of Washington College. Lee replied, “Young gentleman, we have no printed rules. We have but one rule here, and it is that every student must be a gentleman.” What did Lee mean when he used the word “gentleman?” Found … Read more

The Great Benefits of Suffering

The Great Benefits of Suffering 2

When I see a Christian grief-stricken at the trials God sends him I say to myself, “Here is a man who is grieved at his own happiness. He is asking God to be delivered from something he ought to be thanking Him for.” I am quite sure that nothing more advantageous could … Read more

Saint Maximilian Kolbe: The Immaculata’s Perfect Knight

Saint Maximilian Kolbe: The Immaculata’s Perfect Knight 5

Having selected ten prisoners to die in the starvation bunker to serve as a lesson for an escaped prisoner, Nazi SS Captain Karl Fritsch was about to leave Auschwitz concentration camp’s Block 13 when the unimaginable happened. Prisoner 16670 stepped out of formation. A murmur spread through the line of prisoners. Facing … Read more

First Pope to Be Called “Great”

First Pope to Be Called “Great”

Pope Saint Leo’s pontificate, next to that of Saint Gregory I, is the most significant and important in Christian antiquity. At a time when the Church was experiencing the greatest obstacles to her progress in consequence of the hastening disintegration of the Western Empire, and while the Orient was profoundly agitated over dogmatic … Read more

The Original Knight in Shining Armor

The Original Knight in Shining Armor 1

Saint George was a martyr, a patron of England and suffered at or near Lydda, also known as Diospolis, in Palestine probably before the time of Constantine. According to the very careful investigation of the matter instituted by Father Delehaye, the previous  statement sums up all that can safely be affirmed about … Read more

Never Allow Kindness to Degenerate Into Weakness

Never Allow Kindness to Degenerate Into Weakness 2

We should never allow kindness to degenerate into weakness. When we have scolded someone with just reason, we must leave the matter there, without allowing ourselves to be touched to the point of tormenting ourselves for having caused pain or at seeing one suffer and cry. To run after the afflicted one … Read more

How to Revive the Notion of Good and Evil

How to Revive the Notion of Good and Evil 2

  The notion of good and evil can be revived in various ways, including: •  Avoiding all formulations that smack of secularist or interdenominational morality, because secularism and interdenominationalism logically lead to amorality. •  Opportunely pointing out that God has the right to be obeyed and that, therefore, His Commandments are true … Read more

How Our Lady Granted Victory at Lepanto

How Our Lady Granted Victory at Lepanto

In times of acute danger and hardship, we must always fly into the arms of the most powerful Mother of God and turn to the recitation of the Rosary. The Battle of Lepanto is a great lesson of confidence for us today. When Saint Pius V ascended to Saint Peter’s throne, Christendom … Read more