Alone in the Coliseum

Alone in the Coliseum 3

Throughout Her long and glorious history, the Catholic Church has endured persecution as well as moments of triumph. The Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations mandating Catholics and Catholic organizations to offer contraceptive, abortifacient and sterilization coverage in their insurance plans is just the latest chapter in this persecution. It is not … Read more

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine 1

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins with countless Americans in decrying the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding the Obamacare individual mandate. The decision represents a tragic expansion of socialist style healthcare and the promotion of a pro-abortion agenda. Moreover, the Court recognized that the individual … Read more

“Arab Spring” or “Autumn” of Civilization?

“Arab Spring” or “Autumn” of Civilization? 1

No one may say that Magdi Cristiano Allam, Member of the European Parliament, lacks knowledge or experience of Islam. He was a Muslim for 56 years…and then received the grace of conversion to Catholicism. Based on his vast theoretical and practical knowledge of Islam, he answers some questions from the Brazilian magazine … Read more

True Glory Can Only Be Born of Pain

True Glory Can Only Be Born of Pain 1

From every side of the parade grounds, with habitual and quite natural enthusiasm, a huge crowd watches a trooping of the Queen’s Royal Grenadiers in their ceremonial uniforms. New military tactics forced uniforms like these into obsolescence long ago. Nevertheless, these black trousers, red coats with white belts, gloves and ornaments topped … Read more

Michael, Michael of the Morning Prayer

Saint Michael

  Michael, Michael of the Morning Prayer The prayer to Saint Michael mentioned in the story titled, “Incredible Miracle: U.S. Marine Saved by Saint Michael,” seems to be this one: Michael, Michael of the morning, Fresh chord of Heaven adorning, Keep me safe today, And in time of temptation Drive the devil … Read more

Traditional, Aristocratic and Authentic Elites

Traditional, Aristocratic and Authentic Elites 4

Qualifiers such as professional, cultural, moral, ethnic and so forth usually accompany the word elite. For this reason, it is useful to describe the meaning of three frequent qualifiers for the word: traditional, aristocratic and authentic. A professional elite can be traditional without being aristocratic. For example, it can be made up … Read more

The Stunning Story of Blessed José

The Stunning Story of Blessed José 1

In 1927, Catholic Mexico was immersed in a violent storm of religious persecution. The President of Mexico at that time was a despot named Plutarco Calles. His hatred for the Church had no limits. He killed priests and burned churches. In legitimate self defense, countless Catholics took up arms to defend their … Read more

The Feast of Corpus Christi in Toledo

The Feast of Corpus Christi in Toledo 1

According to an ancient Spanish proverb, there are three Thursdays that shine more than the sun: Holy Thursday, Ascension Thursday and Corpus Christi. The morning is bright. I climb the steep slopes of the city on foot, panting. My car has been left by the river. If driving around Toledo is usually … Read more

Is It Never Licit to Judge Others?

Is It Never Licit to Judge Others? 3

In today’s ambience of philosophical and moral relativism in which we live, whenever we criticize objectively immoral actions or behaviors such as abortion, homosexual acts, adultery, and so forth, we often hear someone citing the words of the Divine Saviour, “Judge not.” The Absurdity of Not Judging Yet a literal and out … Read more