Innocence Saluting Heroism

Innocence Saluting Heroism 2

Innocence Saluting Heroism   Innocence Saluting Heroism A young boy waits on the sidewalk for the passing of Canadian troops. The video speaks for itself. In his innocence, he waits for more than just Canadian soldiers marching in formation with their flag. The young boy sees what all the other people passing … Read more

The Little-Known St. Thérèse

The Little-Known St. Thérèse

  On October 1, the liturgy of the Church celebrates the memory of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, “the greatest saint of modern times,” in the words of Pope Saint Pius X. The charm of her “Little Way,” with all its sweetness and mercy, admirably harmonizes … Read more

The Allure of Lourdes

The Allure of Lourdes 2

As I sat down in the train for the final leg of my trip to Lourdes, I could not help but reflect that this was a trip repeated so many times by tens of millions of pilgrims from all over the world over the last 150 years. They had made this same … Read more

Hope of a Hopeless World

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hope of a Hopeless World

If there is an age whose sole hope lies in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is our own. The evils committed by mankind today can scarcely be exaggerated. To mention just a few, these include blasphemy, the destruction of the family through abortion, divorce, euthanasia, widespread pornography, immoral fashions and lifestyles, … Read more

Video of TFP-ANF Members Protesting at Notre Dame

This is a short video of TFP–ANF’s protest out front of the gates of the University of Notre Dame. Thousands of pro-life Catholics lined the streets leading to the main gate of the university. Dotting the sidewalks for miles, they prayed the Rosary, held signs and protested the university’s scandalous decision to … Read more

Dialogue At Notre Dame: Undermining the Abortion Debate

Dialogue At Notre Dame: Undermining the Abortion Debate 1

In his speech introducing President Barack Obama at the 2009 Commencement ceremony at the University of Notre Dame, Father John I. Jenkins, C.S.C, president of the most emblematic Catholic university in the nation, did more than try to justify the invitation and the granting of an honoris causa degree to a politician … Read more

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” 1

Apostles of the Fatima message rarely see the fruits of their labor in this life. I found this out firsthand during a visit to Augusta, Georgia. During the coffee break following Mass, the parish priest asked us to say a word about our work. After explaining our home visits with the statue … Read more