Why Does Our Lady Cry?

Why Does Our Lady Cry? Scandal at Notre Dame

The following is the TFP’s statement on the Notre Dame graduation controversy. Our Lady shed tears at the foot of the Cross, how could she not shed tears contemplating the Passion of Holy Mother Church today? Our Lady cries when she sees how secularism has declared open war on the Catholic Church … Read more

Saint Nuno Alvares Pereira: A Warrior and a Man of Faith

Saint Nuno Alvares Pereira: A Warrior and a Man of Faith 1

On April 26, 2009, the Portuguese Count Nuno Alvares Pereira is to be canonized, nearly six centuries after his death. Saint Nuno Alvares had a brilliant military career and became the Constable of Portugal. Later, out of gratitude for a miraculous victory he won over the Spaniards, Saint Nuno built the Gothic … Read more

The True Meaning of Easter

The True Meaning of Easter 1

The Resurrection represents the eternal and definitive triumph of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the complete defeat of his adversaries, and the supreme argument of our faith. Saint Paul said that, if Christ had not resurrected, our faith would be vain. The whole edifice of our beliefs is founded on the supernatural fact … Read more

“My Soul Is Heavy Even to Death”

“My Soul Is Heavy Even to Death” 2

The following is an excerpt of Mary Bassett’s 1557 translation of Saint Thomas More’s History of the Passion which he wrote in Latin during his imprisonment in the Tower in 1534-35. For the blessed and tender heart of our most holy Savior was cumbered and panged with manifold and hideous griefs, since … Read more

Homosexual “Marriage” Is Not a Live and Let Live Matter

Homosexual “Marriage” Is Not a Live and Let Live Matter 3

Shortly after the passage of pro-traditional marriage Proposition 8 in California in November 2008, Crusade Magazine’s associate editor Michael Drake interviewed Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, recently named Bishop of Oakland, California. Bishop Cordileone is also a member of the episcopal advisory board for the Institute for Religious Life. *          *          * Crusade Magazine: If homosexual … Read more

The Annunciation and Saint Gabriel

The Annunciation and Saint Gabriel

The following is a reflection on Saint Gabriel and the Annunciation. It comments on both the archangel and Our Lady since the feast of Saint Gabriel the Archangel is on the vigil of the Annunciation. We will comment on this passage taken from Saint Luke: “And in the sixth month, the angel … Read more

In Praise of Saint Joseph’s Logic

In Praise of St. Joseph’s Logic 2

Taken from an Interview with Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Question: What was the occasion in Saint Joseph’s life when he practiced logic to a heroic degree? Answer: It was the well known episode when he saw that Our Lady had conceived a child of which he was not the father. The Gospel … Read more

When Saints Formed Children

When Saints Formed Children 2

“God made me to know, love, and serve Him in this world in order to be happy with Him in the next.” Thus does the child correctly answer the catechism question of why God made him. In consonance with this basic notion, Catholic education has traditionally meant fashioning the child’s whole personality … Read more