Dissent in the Ranks

Thomas Doyle

The dissident “Catholic” group, Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) is recovering from a scathing essay written in January by Father Thomas Doyle, the group’s first “Priest of Integrity” award recipient. The exchange between them exposes dissent in their ranks and signifies a victory for tradition. Father Doyle was a key political figure … Read more

The Intervention of Our Lady in History

The Intervention of Our Lady in History 1

  Just as in our daily lives we should always be cognizant of the presence of God, so in our analysis of historical events we should always keep in mind the power and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the sweep of history. In this series of studies titled Revolution and … Read more

St. Louis IX Crusader and Statesman

St. Louis IX Crusader and Statesman

August 25 is the feast of Saint Louis IX, King, Confessor of the Faith, Crusader and model of a Catholic head of state. There are two different ways people picture Saint Louis IX. One is as he truly was, the other is a soft, effeminate distortion of his person. This dichotomy is … Read more

Suffering and the Little Way

Suffering and the Little Way

  The following text is taken from an informal lecture Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gave on July 16, 1970. It has been translated and adapted for publication without his revision. –Ed. There is a valuable deposition from the canonization of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, given by her sister Celine. … Read more

The Mother: Love, Affection, Goodness, and Mercy

The Mother: Love, Affection, Goodness, and Mercy

  The following reflections are taken from an informal lecture given by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on May 24, 1995. His words have been translated and adapted for publication without his revision. –Ed. Our Lady is the archetype of all mothers. Sometimes, a child senses her maternal goodness symbolically through the ambience of a … Read more

Bruised for Our Sins

Venerable Leo Dupont Bruised for Our Sins devotion to the Holy Face

As Our Lord made His way up to Calvary, there was a touching scene. A woman, powerless to stop the injustice, simply offered her veil as an act of compassion. Our Lord gratefully accepted the cloth to wipe His bruised and bloody face. With the Savior’s face miraculously stamped on her veil, … Read more

Seeking the True Joy of Christmas

Let Us Fight Against the Silent War on Christmas

The state of world events is so uncertain that it is impossible to know the conditions in which we will celebrate Christmas or what the New Year will bring. This is a Christmas in which Americans are filled with uncertainty, trials and insecurity. One could rightly ask: “Is it proper to have … Read more