Refinement without Weakness, Strength without Brutality

Refinement without Weakness, Strength without Brutality 1

Public opinion in the Romantic era was attracted by refined, subtle and fragile souls. We would say exaggeratedly fragile, if fragility was not already in itself a defect and an exaggeration. In our days, when the struggle for survival of body and soul requires ceaseless effort, people’s admiration turns more frequently to … Read more

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: His Early Years

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: His Early Years

On the anniversary of the birth of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, founder of the Brazilian TFP and inspirer of TFP sister organizations around the world, the American TFP web site offers its readers a biographical sketch of this man who was truly a “crusader of the twentieth century.” Written in the 1970s, … Read more

Regionalism, Tradition and Good Taste

Regionalism, Tradition and Good Taste 1

In the field of art, two equally erroneous extremes should be avoided. One is cosmopolitanism, which strives to establish only one art form for the whole world without considering the characteristics proper to each people and each region. The other is nationalism, which rejects any outside influence, even when legitimate and necessary, … Read more

Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur

Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur

To even begin to comprehend the nature of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, we must bear in mind two awe-inspiring facts. Saint Joseph is the virgin-husband of Our Lady and the guardian-father of Our Lord. The husband must be proportional to the wife. Saint Joseph’s spouse is the Blessed Virgin … Read more

The Rabbit

The Rabbit 1

Of the three principles affirmed in the name TFP – Tradition, Family and Property – only the third, that is, property, is contested with a certain insistence. This disagreement comes primarily – and naturally so – from socialists and communists, who deny private property. However, it also comes at times from certain … Read more

Private Property

Private Property 1

Today I fulfill a longstanding promise of providing my readers with a collection of pontifical texts concerning private property. The tumultuous situation of the times had led me to other themes. Now, however, I have the satisfaction of making these golden teachings – so neglected in certain Catholic publications – shine once … Read more

Our Lady of Confidence

Our Lady of Confidence 3

On June 25, 1697, a Catholic home in the Eternal City celebrated the birth of a daughter! Little did the happy parents know that Divine Providence had destined this little girl to be a noble instrument in His hands to introduce into the Church one of the most beautiful invocations to the … Read more

A Brief History of the Image of Czestochowa

A Brief History of the Image of Czestochowa 1

Tradition tells us that Saint Luke, an able painter, responding to the requests of many Christians, who wanted to preserve a remembrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary after her elevation into Heaven, painted her sacred face on an oak table, near which Our Lady used to sew and pray. Some time later, … Read more