Living to Work, or Working to Live?

Leisure, the Basis of Culture, by the German philosopher Josef Pieper - bookcover

In his book Leisure, the Basis of Culture, the German philosopher Josef Pieper claims that the greatest victory of Marxist socialism in the twentieth century was to convince man that he is primarily a worker. Indeed, one ramification of this problem was the death of leisure and the development of so many … Read more

Finding the Real Soul of the Apostolate

Finding the Real Soul of the Apostolate 2

The present scandals in the Church have many people looking for positive solutions to the multifaceted problems which beset the Bride of Christ, not realizing that the true solution will only come from Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, His life within us and fidelity to His teachings. The Soul of the Apostolate … Read more

Long Live the Sacred Cross: Long Live Suffering!

Long Live the Sacred Cross: Long Live Suffering! Christ, the Child Jesus on the Cross appears to Saint Lydwine on her deathbed

  “Long live the sacred cross: long live suffering!” How foreign these words of Saint Veronica Giulani are to our modern ears. Tell-tale examples like widespread abortion and drug use are unnecessary to see that contemporary society will do anything to avoid suffering. However, in turning its back on suffering, it has … Read more

A Missed Message

A Missed Message

The recent movie, The Golden Compass, is little more than a reinterpretation of Sony films’ blasphemous The Da Vinci Code, reengineered for children. Many writers have rightly criticized the film from its multiple censurable aspects, and who could blame them? After all, there are myriad angles from which it should be condemned. … Read more

Sharing Christmas Cheer

Sharing Christmas Cheer

Christmas is a season of tremendous joy. Like harmonizing notes on a score of music, a universe of details makes the feast of Our Lord’s birth indelible. The beauty of midnight Mass, families celebrating, gift giving, grudges that vanish, fireplaces that crackle, the scent of fresh pine, and a blanket of pure … Read more

Don Pelayo and the Reconquista of Spain

Don Pelayo and the Reconquista of Spain

One fascinating aspect of the Old Testament is God’s intervention favoring those who do all they possibly can while facing overwhelming odds and counting on Him to do the impossible. As we read about David and Goliath, Gideon and the Battle of Jericho, the Maccabees and others, we have the impression that … Read more

Garcia Moreno: Heroic President of Ecuador

Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador, Writes to His Holiness Blessed Pius IX 1

Manly Catholic of intransigent principles, slain by the enemies of the Faith because of his consistency and courage in defense of the Church and Papacy Gabriel Garcia Moreno was born in Guayaquil, in southern Ecuador on December 24, 1821. His father, Gabriel Garcia Gómez was Spanish, while his mother, Doña Mercedes Moreno, … Read more

The Siege of Czestochowa

The Siege of Czestochowa 1

Preliminary Note: The account of the siege of Czestochowa which we present here is based on the Memoirs of the Siege of Czestochowa by Father Augustine Kordecki (Pamietnik oblezenia Czestochowy, edited and with a preface by Jan Tokarski, London, Veritas, 1956.) Written by Friar Kordecki in response to a wish of King … Read more

The Devil’s False Promise of Happiness

This scene is from the island of Ischia, in Italy, after a storm. Nature has recovered her cheerful appearance and an elderly peasant woman accompanied by her children – perhaps her grandchildren – walks up a hillside. The road is not made of asphalt, nor is it lined with movie theaters, cafes, … Read more