Catholic, Crusader, Leper and King: The Life of Baldwin IV and the Triumph of the Cross


Modern society obsessively avoids suffering, risk and danger. It secures everything with seatbelts and safety rails, air conditions the summer heat, prints warnings on coffee cups and advises that that safety glasses should be used while working with hammers. Certainly such precautions have prevented misfortune. However, since heroism and excellence are born … Read more

Dispelling Myths About the Crusades

Dispelling Myths About the Crusades 2

The TFP’s Crusade Magazine recently did an interview with accomplished medieval historian Professor Thomas Madden of Saint Louis University, to dispel some common myths concerning the Crusades. The text of this interview is transcribed below. 1. Some authors contend the Crusades were wars of aggression against a peaceful Muslim world. What is … Read more

Are Protests Against Blasphemy Effective? The Other Side Speaks

How to Stop Blasphemy – From the Mouths of Those who Promote It 2

“Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You’re just going to survive. Those are the facts. It’s not pretty, but those are the facts.” Such was the counsel of journalist Hollis Walker to museum directors and curators regarding protests against blasphemous art. Her … Read more

If Christ Is Not God, Our Salvation Is a Lie

In The Da Vinci Code, one finds the horrible affirmation advanced by one of its characters that Christ is not God but was deified by Constantine to advance a political agenda. This is supposedly “the greatest cover-up in history.” From the very beginning of the Church, there have always been those who … Read more

“Gospel” of Judas: The Great New Fraud


On the coattails of the Gnostic wave set in motion by The Da Vinci Code, and using the same media ploys of sensationalism, psychological impact and moral-emotional shock, the National Geographic Society has launched its new product: The Gospel of Judas. The tone of its marketing is the same as Dan Brown’s … Read more

Interview with George Morse

The American TFP Crusade Magazine 2015

For the past 20 years, George P. (“Pat”) Morse and his wife, Margaret, have produced, with Magisterial and Ecclesiastical approval and support, clear, concise and orthodox summaries of Church teaching consisting of twelve volumes under the title of PRECIS OF OFFICIAL CATHOLIC TEACHING. The volumes are in use for teaching, research, education … Read more

Developing a Catholic Sense

Developing a Catholic Sense

Catholic doctrine is one thing and Catholic sense another. There are several points where Catholic doctrine is applied with great advantage when it is aided by Catholic sense. Catholic doctrine does not condemn priestly marriage. But Catholic sense, profoundly identified with the thought of the Church, understands that in the real world, … Read more

A Call to Defend the Church

A Call to Defend the Church 3

In Cincinnati… Among the states trying to lift retroactively the statutes of limitations on sexual abuse, Ohio is well advanced. Bill SB 17 passed the Senate and is presently in the Judiciary House Committee, it could come to a vote soon. Many Catholics are unaware of the bill and its implications for … Read more

TFP Protests the Retroactive Lifting of Statutes of Limitation

TFP Protests the Retroactive Lifting of Statutes of Limitation 1

While many states extended their criminal and civil statutes of limitations for child sexual abuse during these four years of intensive media reporting on the scandals inside the Church, some states are looking at lifting them retroactively. Such measures would allow government to investigate decades-old cases and hold today’s 67 million Catholics … Read more