Why Do We Need the Natural Moral Law?

Why Do We Need the Natural Moral Law?

Michael Drake: What is the significance of the natural moral law for a secularized country? Bishop McManus: The recognition of a natural, moral law provides the common ground between believers and non-believers about the fundamental moral issues affecting the common good and our living together. In a morally relativist society like the … Read more

The Universe Is “Too Fine-Tuned for Chance”

The Universe Is “Too Fine-Tuned for Chance” 2

An Interview with Mr. John Calvert on Intelligent Design Francis Slobodnik of Crusade Magazine interviewed John H. Calvert, a lawyer and a managing director of Intelligent Design Network, Inc. Mr. Calvert has focused on constitutional requirements for teaching origins science in public schools, has been actively involved in the debate across the … Read more

“Why Don’t They Tell us These Things”

“Why Don’t They Tell us These Things”

It often happens that while traveling with the Fatima statue we get into conversations with host families about the Fatima message. Such was the case one evening in Atlanta, Georgia while chatting with one father and his 12 year old daughter, Lillie. The last time I had seen this girl was close … Read more


Heroism 1

American soldiers face the prospect of serious injury and death with unflinching courage. Their existence within a nation dominated by a self centered “me culture” is yet another paradox which can be found “only in America.” When Todd Beamer boarded Flight 93 on September 11, he never dreamed that terrorists intended to … Read more

“She Protected Me on the Water”

“She Protected Me on the Water” 2

  On November 22, TFP supporter Sergio de Paz brought a pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the home where Cuban child refugee Elian Gonzalez spent four short months. The six-year old boy was rescued at sea while escaping from communist Cuba. He became the center of a diplomatic battle … Read more

Is the Voice of God Resounding in the Recent Catastrophes?

Is the Voice of God Resounding in the Recent Catastrophes?

The string of natural calamities and man-made tragedies afflicting the world and the United States, particularly Hurricane Katrina in late August, have stimulated many people to reflection. Some see these tragic events as God’s chastisement of a sinful mankind; others see them as yet one more merciful warning from Providence; others yet … Read more

When Society is Corrupt, Is There a Solution?

When Society is Corrupt, Is There a Solution? 2

A while back, the Italian Parliament voted to overturn prison sentences for politicians convicted of receiving illegal campaign contributions in light of unprecedented scandals. The legislation established that illegal contributions to political campaigns were no longer crimes but simply “civil offenses,” where those convicted would no longer be arrested but fined. All … Read more

Echoes of Catholic Militancy

2005 TFP National Conference

A recent book titled, No More Christian Nice Guy, outlines a prevalent error in society. The book’s author, Paul Coughlin, explains that Christianity has been divorced of masculinity to such an extent that many Christian men feel stifled and even suffocated when trying to practice the Faith. However, this emasculated Christianity is … Read more