The West at War

The West at War

Allahu Akbar!—“Allah is great!” This cry has resounded all over the world through the videos that documented the violence of Islamic militants against women, children and young people of all nationalities, massacred or kidnapped on October 7, 2023, while an avalanche of rockets beat down on Israel. The same invocation—Allahu Akbar!—rang out … Read more

The Bishop of Arras Thwarts Bishop Dupanloup’s Plan to Condemn L’Univers

The Bishop of Arras Thwarts Bishop Dupanloup’s Plan to Condemn L’Univers

After being rebuffed by the editor of l’Univers, Louis Veuillot, Bishop Felix Dupanloup, the liberal Bishop of Orléans, plotted to obtain an ecclesiastical condemnation of nineteenth-century France’s most read Ultramontane paper. On the pretext of quelling rumors about a “so-called division in the episcopate,” Bishop Dupanloup asked that all French bishops sign … Read more

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

Elections are upon us. Once again, we have few good choices, and many will be voting against and not for candidates. The ordeal threatens to become a replay of elections that have come before. The slate of candidates thus far is demoralizing since it represents nothing uplifting. No new generation of brave … Read more

The Liberal Bishop Dupanloup Mounts an Official Campaign to Condemn L’Univers

The Liberal Bishop Dupanloup Mounts an Official Campaign to Condemn L’Univers

Msgr. John-Joseph Gaume’s 1851 book, Le Ver Rongeur des Sociétés modernes: ou La Paganisme Dans L’Education [The Gnawing Worm of Modern Societies: or Paganism in Education] sparked immediate reactions among Ultramontanes and Liberal Catholics alike. Its central point was that the study of classical (Greek and Roman) literature was harmful to the … Read more