The Study of Greek and Roman Classics in French Schools Highlights Differences Between Traditional and Liberal Catholics

The Study of Greek and Roman Classics in French Schools Highlights Differences Between Traditional and Liberal Catholics

The coup d’état of December 2, 1851, turned Prince-President Louis Napoleon into Emperor Napoleon III. It also deepened the schism among Catholics and sped the formation of the liberal current headed by Bishop Felix Dupanloup of Orléans. Once the resentments over the Falloux school law cooled, the Count de Montalembert drew closer … Read more

Is Fetterman Fashion Proper in Church?

Is Fetterman Fashion Proper in Church?

Sen. John Fetterman ignited a firestorm over what is proper to wear in the United States Senate when he appeared in a hoodie and basketball shorts. Even the most casual American observers were struck by the inappropriateness of it all. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer supported his colleague by instructing the chamber’s … Read more

Synodal “Church Reform” Truly Means Democratic Upheaval in the Church

Synodal “Church Reform” Truly Means Democratic Upheaval in the Church

Pope Francis has convoked a “Synod on Synodality,” which will convene in Rome this coming October. Many faithful Catholics have expressed concern as the Synod’s promoters have proposed severe and potentially destructive changes to the Church’s structure. Synod leaders have repeatedly expressed their desire to discuss “church reform.” The following article, taken … Read more

The Split Among French Catholics Grew as Archbishop Threatened To Excommunicate Veuillot

The Split Among French Catholics Grew as Archbishop Threatened To Excommunicate Veuillot

Upon taking possession of the Archdiocese of Paris, Most Rev. Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour called himself ultramontane. Almost immediately, however, he began to defend religious liberalism and support the republic. Besides attacking the Church, the Parisian anti-Catholic newspapers published the Archbishop’s pastoral letters, on which they lavished praise. Sibour’s liberal ideas spread throughout France. … Read more