Introduction to the Book, The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box

Introduction to the Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box

The following text is taken from the introduction of the recently published book, “The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box,” written by TFP members José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo de Izcue. You can purchase the book here. ✧                    ✧                    ✧ Introduction Pope Francis has convened a Synod on Synodality in Rome under the … Read more

Cardinal Burke: The Synod Threatens to Gravely Harm “Many Souls”

Cardinal Burke: The Synod Threatens to Gravely Harm "Many Souls"

The following text is taken from the recently published book, “The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box,” written by TFP members José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo de Izcue. The forward, as seen below, was written by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke. You can purchase the book here. ✧                    ✧                    ✧     … Read more

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

Press release August 22, 2023 Given the Synod on Synodality convened by Pope Francis, the Associazione Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà* has published a book denouncing the imminent danger of building a new Church, different from the Catholic Church as it has always existed. After a three-year phase of preparation, the XVI General Assembly … Read more

The Rejection and Restoration of Beauty

The Rejection and Restoration of Beauty

The world around us is filled with ugliness. To fight this ugliness, we must address the willfully chosen things and change our ways accordingly. One important way to do this is to change our manner of personal appearance. Everywhere, we see signs of disorder in this field. Individuals exhibit multiple and painful-looking … Read more

The Miracle on Maui: Is God Sending Us a Message?

The Miracle on Maui: Is God Sending Us a Message?

It frequently happens that survivors of natural disasters will come upon touching scenes of religious objects that are unscathed amid the destruction. For example, a statue of Our Lady of Grace was found intact after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. It communicated a sense of hope to all who saw it. The media … Read more

Introducing the Destruction of Nature

Introducing the Destruction of Nature

“The destruction of words is a very beautiful thing!” exclaimed Syme, a character in George Orwell’s famous novel 1984. Syme promoted Newspeak, the new language forged by the totalitarian state to manipulate the citizens’ minds. The Deconstruction of Language Each social revolution has manipulated language to blur reality, tailoring it to its … Read more